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Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by Aisaka

  1. Aisaka

    [Aisaka's] Developer Application - 5/19/2018

    [Aisaka's] Developer Application Name (Steam Name): Aisaka Date of joining Revival: 4/19/2018 Tell us about yourself: My name is Aisaka, I live in Wales and have studied Computer Science for the past 2 years as it is mandatory. I actually take interest in this and I would love to help out...
  2. Aisaka

    There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. There is only the inevitable.

    There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. There is only the inevitable.