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Recent content by AmpedGamin

  1. AmpedGamin

    Vietnam needs your help!

    Rip... This is why vietnam can't have nice things ;)
  2. AmpedGamin

    Vietnam needs your help!

    Lovely to see that almost an hour after this player count on Vietnam doubled.
  3. AmpedGamin

    HaloRP Changelog 7/13/17

    Yay, no more fucking 99 round mag PISTOLS.
  4. AmpedGamin

    Amped's Developer Application 07/11/17

    Name: AmpedGamin Date of joining Revival: Somewhere late april or early may I believe. Tell us about yourself: I'm a person who has taken an interest in Gmod addons. I would like to learn how to make addons and maps. I'm sorry that I do not have much knowledge in making addons/configuring...
  5. AmpedGamin

    PAC3 Marine Enlisted Insignia Patches

    Boi I love you for this. Can I get in touch with you about some things? I have some PAC stuff that I'd like created, but I'm shit at PAC.
  6. AmpedGamin

    How bad is your cat?

    How bad is your cat?