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Recent content by Donny Blunt

  1. Donny Blunt

    GM Donnys 1 Month

    This section is for redeeming RevivalCare benefits for staff. steam ID: STEAM_0:1:147995249 Steam 64 Id: 76561198256256227 How long have you been staff? (Please link application) https://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/donnys-blunts-gm-application.25374/ What server are you redeeming...
  2. Donny Blunt

    Vietnam's 1 Year Anniversary Of Its Death

    logger dont worry, I also take fault as I was the EL and had no clue what the fuck I was doing, I let it all go downhill.
  3. Donny Blunt


  4. Donny Blunt

    All Server IP changes

    I get You hazard
  5. Donny Blunt

    All Server IP changes

    This makes me happy
  6. Donny Blunt

    Ah yes a 100 degree fever

    Ah yes a 100 degree fever
  7. Donny Blunt

    Well shit

    Well shit
  8. Donny Blunt

    Logger I’m sorry to break it to you but Chernon has been gone for atleast 7 months

    Logger I’m sorry to break it to you but Chernon has been gone for atleast 7 months
  9. Donny Blunt

    Net neutrality is dead

    Net neutrality is dead
  10. Donny Blunt

    Wishing @Texas would respond to my poly traps thread

    Wishing @Texas would respond to my poly traps thread
  11. Donny Blunt

    In loving memory of Chad

    Rest In Peace chad I hope you don’t get burned in the fires and congrats on the beard logger
  12. Donny Blunt

    Return Of Zombina???

  13. Donny Blunt

    Wishing Texas or William would approve the smoke grenade and Gredwitch wac suggestions

    Wishing Texas or William would approve the smoke grenade and Gredwitch wac suggestions
  14. Donny Blunt


    SABATON That’s all
  15. Donny Blunt

    I can help just I need the info

    I can help just I need the info