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Recent content by Eddie Dollins[Barnes]

  1. Eddie Dollins[Barnes]

    What do you like more?

    Murlock's mistakes aren't comparable. Murlock shuts down communities when he doesn't make enough money to fuel his meth addiction or to pay for CS:GO skins. This is most likely the deciding stage, development of the gamemode could take weeks or months or however much time is needed to complete...
  2. Eddie Dollins[Barnes]

    What do you like more?

    CityRP is essentially a more realistic version of darkrp but possibly based on a new gamemode framework or something along those lines. It wouldn't hurt to try something new. It's not like there's a lack of content available for use, meaning that updates can easily be set in place so new content...
  3. Eddie Dollins[Barnes]

    Eddie's Developer Application 6/21/17

    Name: Bryn Date of joining Revival: 6/10/17 Tell us about yourself: I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, then moved to the United States at the age of 2. I have always been into computers as well as technology. My parents noticed this and decided to buy me my first computer at 5 years of age. As...