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Recent content by Jimmydoez

  1. Jimmydoez

    Galavick Ban Appeal

    Last statement is that staff don't get overwhelmed with the amount of people at least during my time we didn't worry much about being overwhelmed but focused on how much the people enjoyed the server so when we get someone that minging or stuff like that we had their head officer bitch at them...
  2. Jimmydoez

    Galavick Ban Appeal

    As a former staff member of halo, going into a servers files without permission is a direct attack to the server and looking around snooping is considered hacking, and now coming back asking to be let into the server you just attempted to hack in is not going to go well since you have broke the...
  3. Jimmydoez

    Community Staff meeting TONIGHT

    I might be able to make it but I would be late
  4. Jimmydoez

    Community Staff meeting TONIGHT

    Can't make it got rugby practice