Welcome to Revival Servers!

Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by SPR12314

  1. SPR12314

    Dieing on the inside

    Dieing on the inside
  2. SPR12314


  3. SPR12314

    Where I've Been

    Hey their, been a sec. If your wondering what has been happening to me, well things kinda took a left turn when I started working on getting another job. Been through the ringer quite a bit but I survived one way or another. Today however I'm in my final stages to work in a university hospital...
  4. SPR12314

    SPR12314 Formal Resignation

    Hey you maybe wondering where have I've been, well it turns out that life is a bit tougher then I imagine specially with covid going around. I've gotten so busy and so stressed out that I've forgetting things and going straight to sleep or games to cool off (its so focking hard to not turn to...
  5. SPR12314

    i need a platoon

  6. SPR12314

    Simplification incoming

    Simplification incoming
  7. SPR12314

    Don't mind me, just casually moving things

    Don't mind me, just casually moving things
  8. SPR12314

    Kol's Development Application ( Posted for him )

    @Hoskins Dm me his discord username
  9. SPR12314

    Ternith's RevivalCare Redemption

  10. SPR12314

    Kol's Development Application ( Posted for him )

    @Hoskins need his forum name
  11. SPR12314

    Benny Un-Community Ban Appeal

    Sadly only @William has a say in this according to https://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/unblacklist-uncomm-ban-rules-and-format.21383/
  12. SPR12314

    Currently looking at myself for some reason

    Currently looking at myself for some reason
  13. SPR12314


  14. SPR12314

    Rip Music

    Rip Music
  15. SPR12314

    Forums Update

    As mentioned in the community meeting, the forums have received a update. Now the forum will feel smooth with a layer of updated security. Keep an eye out as this is the first of many updates to come to forums! (Yes we know SB is gone, will be fixed soon)