Welcome to Revival Servers!

Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by TwoBit

  1. TwoBit

    Of course! Lovely day for it!

    Of course! Lovely day for it!
  2. TwoBit

    Change Log SCP-RP Change Log

    *Smack* Noice.
  3. TwoBit

    My Biggest Thank You ~ 1,000th Like

  4. TwoBit

    [Forums Games] One Word Story Revived

  5. TwoBit

    Suggestions Relating to using Discord instead of TS

    A lot of servers seem to be changing over to Discord because they say it is more convenient. This suggestion definitely should be looked into.