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Recent content by Weeaboo Jones

  1. Weeaboo Jones

    Reaper Weapons

    Reapers are pilots, you don't need weapons if you're a competent pilot.
  2. Weeaboo Jones

    Seeking server info

    Yeah... I guess it's a pretty good community, but just be wary of some people, and certain positions. They can cause a lot of stress.
  3. Weeaboo Jones

    Greatest/Happiest Memory of Halo RP?

    Ehhh, my happiest moment was when I contacted Bird talking about getting MO for making the medical guide, took me 6 long months to get that. Probably the happiest moment on there, but we all know how that ended, and we all know how the medical branch is doing. Just say when it's gone bad, and...
  4. Weeaboo Jones

    UNSCAF MPr MD TSgt Ahab GM Resignation

    I wish I could say sorry, but I can't. It's been an honor spending my time with all of you, but the server is negatively impact my time. Too much of my time has been needed for the server, and it has been negatively impacting my actual life, and there's just too much stress it's causing me. I've...
  5. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    Heh, yup. I'll be hosting more after I finish my homework. A lot will be gone, I'm making a roster as well. A max of 15 MO's, and 10 MS'.
  6. Weeaboo Jones

    TO ALL MEDICAL STAFF [Important!!!]

    Due to the mass promotions, and my boy Lamba on my ass about it (kidding Lamba), I will be doing testing and exams for all MO's and MS' promoted when Robo came into power as the ranking of Doc. Those who fail will fall one rank back, and if you are an MS and fail the exam, you will then have to...
  7. Weeaboo Jones

    Smoke Grenades

    That's exactly why they wouldn't have smoke grenades, and there's a major difference between snipers. Although it's not accurate, in the Marines currently now, they have no dedicated roles specifically, (depending on squadron) just a set class and ranking of your firearms ranking. It's more of...
  8. Weeaboo Jones

    Smoke Grenades

    I still don't believe a sharpshooter would have a smoke grenade, but hey, they're not snipers. I don't really know.
  9. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    I'm just to say, this wouldn't had happened if there was no doctor application, which isn't even how you get the ranking of Doctor. I will be holding the courses, and they will not be easy. I may be biased as I had to work extremely hard, and for about 3 months in order to get MO. I had to...
  10. Weeaboo Jones

    Rubix Staff Application

    -1 Does not meet the word limit in "Tell us about yourself." It also doesn't make sense in "Why you stand out." I believe not much time was put into this application.
  11. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    Then okay, he meets the pre-requisites of the OOC occupation, but not of assisting the medical branch. He should have to climb the ranks the same as everyone else, not be special as "he's a doctor in real life." That should not be a reason for this act.
  12. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    I need to actually disprove that. I have specifically talked to multiple MO's and MS', with some being particularly... how do I put this, "Uneducated in MedRP." For instance, I'd like to point out the prerequisites required for the rank of MO and MS. You are required to help the medical staff/...
  13. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    Exactly, it should be earned, not given out. A rank in Medical Staff is to be respected, yearned for, and then gained.
  14. Weeaboo Jones

    The MED Staff problem

    +1 Thank you. Finally someone but me figured out. Thank you for quoting my work. The application for Doctor that Naval made was probably one of the things that contributed to this. It caused people to climb the ranks to Doctor, and not even earn it. Please, stop with the mass promotions. I mean...
  15. Weeaboo Jones

    LOA from 11/22/17 to 11/26/17

    Thanksgiving break. Gotta travel somewhere.