Welcome to Revival Servers!

Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.


  1. Jai

    The Next Forum Manager (Ends 6/29)

    https://www.strawpoll.me/15959805 This strawpoll will be open to forum staff and the community so that they may all vote on who would be a better manager for the forums collectively. Do not vote if you hold bias against anyone that is in this drawing.
  2. Mike393


    Hello, I am Mike. I am the Clone Wars RP manager. I am a 19 year old cis male who sexually identifies as a b1 battle droid. If you think that i am wrong i will be rogered to no end. Really though, If you have questions about me or Clone Wars please do not hesitate to contact myself or...