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Eddie's Developer Application 6/21/17

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Jun 22, 2017
United Kingdom
Name: Bryn

Date of joining Revival: 6/10/17

Tell us about yourself: I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, then moved to the United States at the age of 2. I have always been into computers as well as technology. My parents noticed this and decided to buy me my first computer at 5 years of age. As it was a Macintosh it didn't handle much gaming-wise, but considering that games then are more primitive than games now, I was able to run small games and use modelling programs that later became obsolete. At the age of 8 I had owned a PC and began my venture to larger games such as Garry's Mod. I was, for the most part interested in small toybox addons and then became interested on how these things are made. So I did what any 8 year old would do. I begged the addon creators to teach me how to make these things. I was shown only links to templates and more examples. I decided I'd venture out and teach myself, creating lessons for each day and testing myself on each string, variable, and function. Eventually I learned to create custom scripts such as a simple health regen system, then I decided to move to SWEPs and created some of those. Later I wanted to do something bigger so I learned how to design and create GUI such as scoreboards, HUDs, and player-maps. At around the age of 10 I created my first gamemode which was used in 2008 and quickly became useless due to updates. The gamemode featured a shitty HUD, Currency System, Standard GMOD scoreboard, and a team system. It was supposed to be a simple TDM but turned into a clusterfuck of errors. I began to learn more and find simpler ways to do things and eventually ended up making a series of better gamemodes that were purchased by some users who thought maybe this little kid can do something. So since then I have learned other languages such as HTML/CSS, Python, Ruby, C#, and C++. I have also learned mapping as well as 3D modelling and texturing. After learning this I decided to learn how to create improved SWEPs and sounds for server owners wanting a custom feeling.

What role are you taking: Coder/Mapper/Model-Creator/SWEP Creator/etc.

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival: After taking a look at all the servers I had to admit they were pretty well made with little to no LUA errors. After a while I began to be interested in helping just just one server but all of their servers grow and contain even more custom content. And what better way to do this than to assist in the coding process am I right? So I decided to come here a post an app explaining why I wanted to do this and why specifically I wanted to do it for this community. One of the reasons is pretty simple: I used to code for Nomad. Back when we had a StarwarsRP that died because one of the managers wanted to make it mingy. I've coded other gamemodes in the past and currently coding some now. Some I'd like to present to the higher-management. I will show screenshots below.

What will you bring to the development team: I can not only bring my coding knowledge, but also my decision making skills and debugging skills. I also have a few gamemodes that may or may not appeal to the greater audience that are still works in progress but nonetheless decent. I have specifically grown an interest in nutscript and have made around 15 plugins for the framework including bodygroup stores, custom weaponry, custom weapon durability. I have also made many custom Customizable Weaponry 2.0 attachments as well as FA:S 2.0 Attachments. I feel that one of the servers that use either could enjoy something like that. I also can create custom SWEPs and viewmodels which are very useful for custom servers. I can do most things required of me as long as it is not too long as I like to spend time on my custom gamemodes occasionally.

Can you show/link us your work(Must): My temporary GitHub: https://github.com/EddieDollins/examplework/tree/test

Some Screenshots of my WIP gamemode:

Are you active on Teamspeak: Yes

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat: Yes

Do you have a microphone?: Yes



Will assign ts rank when I receive your contract-
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