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Hawk's Developer Application

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Jun 23, 2017
Hawk - Developer Application - 23/06/2017 23:24 (GMT)
Name: Hawk

Date of joining Revival: 3 Days ago (Each day is roughly 6 hours playtime)

Tell us about yourself:
Well my name is Hawk and I am 16 (soon 17) years old, this is a nickname both used online and in real life, I am currently studying game development level 3 for three A levels and I am an independent map developer who loves to create maps for people. Fun fact, I actually played on this server because it used one of my maps and I've so far stayed as I like the lore and role play that goes on.

What role are you taking: Map Developer

Why do you want to become a developer for Revival: Well, I am interested in becoming a developer for two reasons. Number one is that my E-Portfolio for further education would significantly be better with more projects to work and number two is that

What will you bring to the development team:
Initially I hope to bring custom maps to the community that will suit your needs. It appears one of my maps are good enough for the server so hopefully the next maps I create will as well.

Can you show/link us your work(Must):
E-portfolio: https://surtarphawk.wixsite.com/eportfolio (please only view if you're someone interested in hiring me)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=767913372 (Truth and reconcilliation)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=771297581 (A custom map for a community, it's based off of Cairo Station from Halo 2, the Eportfolio shows images)
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=634837600 (Another custom map but I later made it into a public map due to server shut down, Based off of the UNSC Midolothian class destoryers)

Are you active on Teamspeak:

Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat?: No idea what Trello is but I can make an account and be active, yes.

Do you have a microphone? Why yes I do!
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