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HoJ AI Inigo


The Frog Lock
Aug 29, 2018
==General Information==

Inigo is the AI belonging to the HoJ. He takes the appearance of a medieval century warrior with short, silver hair. He seems very loyal to Tartarus and very flirtatious towards any female. He constantly refers to a "Previous life" he lived. He roams the planet and occasionally roams the station looking for anyone in need of assistance or someone to flirt with.

Face Claim: Inigo (Fire Emblem)


Inigo lived long ago. He was killed and his brain uploaded by a being hoping to store information. Inigo was given the name Warden 15 and organized the information given to him. Once a supreme warden was made and taken by the UNSC, The UNSC went to go destroy the other Wardens. Inigo embraced his death with open arms until Tartarus took his chip. Getting help from the SoS, Inigo was restored and lost most of his previous information except his old life.
