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Recent content by aidanclark122

  1. aidanclark122

    Appeal 4 HaloRP UNSCMC Pvt Scizophrenia

    yeeah :)
  2. aidanclark122

    Ladybug's Halo Ban Appeal

    yeahe ie finde thise note coole
  3. aidanclark122

    Ladybug's Halo Ban Appeal

    true :)
  4. aidanclark122

    Appeal 4 HaloRP UNSCMC Pvt Scizophrenia

    Name: Skitzophrenia Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/aidanclahk/ Reason for ban: ERP Picture of ban: Why you should be unbanned: Me and my brother kissed on the cheek (like a lil peck similar to a firm handshake then erotic roleplay) someone came up to us and said "Kissing i see..." and...