Welcome to Revival Servers!

Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by DroppedSomething

  1. DroppedSomething


  2. DroppedSomething

    what do you play R6S on?

    what do you play R6S on?
  3. DroppedSomething

    Rainbow Six Siege??

    it's my strange addicition
  4. DroppedSomething

    Rainbow Six Siege??

    im addicited to Rainbow Six, PLEASE HELP ME
  5. DroppedSomething

    Hi, im Kaze

    yeah, thats me. I like to play video games and play other games. Im a sweaty rainbow six player and i play alot of SCP:SL
  6. DroppedSomething

    was trying to cycle the doors before i got kegged

    was trying to cycle the doors before i got kegged
  7. DroppedSomething

    did server just crash?

    did server just crash?
  8. DroppedSomething

