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Recent content by KingHarsh

  1. KingHarsh

    Chillin, U?

    Chillin, U?
  2. KingHarsh

    Why would I not?

    Why would I not?
  3. KingHarsh


    Good to see u back again buddy LUL
  4. KingHarsh

    A little something I made today.

    Looks dope LUL I love how Kai is the furry guy
  5. KingHarsh

    I am the King

    I am the King
  6. KingHarsh

    Only the OGs will remember

    FUCKING HOBO is that HOBO talking?
  7. KingHarsh

    Good for u

    Good for u
  8. KingHarsh

    TS appeal

    ACCEPTED, Your TS name was Faa for some reason and ur IP was different
  9. KingHarsh

    TS appeal

    https://gyazo.com/4e6dca1e271c5557f1a0e9419ea0271a I don't see it but if u PM me ur IP it might show up Check if u can Join TS
  10. KingHarsh

    TS appeal

    Nope, No name. U sure I banned u cuz I don't remember.
  11. KingHarsh

    TS appeal

    Don't see ur name on the ban list
  12. KingHarsh

    TS appeal

    What was ur username on TS? Cuz I don't remember https://gyazo.com/7a80332d55834c199e46af7c32abfc1b Cuz I don't see u if that was ur TS name
  13. KingHarsh

    Dayzcool's Dev App for SCP 11/3/18

  14. KingHarsh

    Halo Change Log 11/13/2018

    Hello Revival Community, This is a Change-log for the Halo Roleplay Server. The BWhitelist had been Updated.
  15. KingHarsh

    About? I am on TS right now

    About? I am on TS right now