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Recent content by Kurt Gangl

  1. Kurt Gangl


  2. Kurt Gangl

    Colonel Monarch/WO1 Caesar's App

    +1 Been around a good long while knows what he is doing good leader very nice and great app
  3. Kurt Gangl

    Kip's Fabulous GM Application

    -1 I personally think kip is funny but he has a hard time being serious when needed has been pked many times is way to mingy to be a GM
  4. Kurt Gangl

    Marine Buffing

    that's fair yeah I agree
  5. Kurt Gangl

    Marine Buffing

    So from one of todays events iv noticed marines have become very out classed Due to URF becoming a thing. Marines die in one to three shots by URF and by most NPC's (mainly by NPC's due to them having hard core AI) I am hoping that marines can at least get 300 HP with some damage resistance to...