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Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by Nerdinator16

  1. Nerdinator16

    Raven Introduction

    Sup i'm nerdinator/raven and i just like to play video games and do college and nap is bassically my whole life.
  2. Nerdinator16

    What was your favorite thing to do outside the community

    My favorite thing is probably just playing other games
  3. Nerdinator16

    The weirdest thing that happened to you/you've seen in revival

    I saw a dog bassically rapeing a man in medical bay but then someone closing the door all I heard was help me.
  4. Nerdinator16

    My Birthday On SCP.

    Happy birthday