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Recent content by oklbos2000

  1. oklbos2000

    Lycan/ Montanas resignation from staff and server

    @Alphaomega R.I.P. *Pops open montana Body pillow*
  2. oklbos2000

    Crane's Re-application

    +1 Crane Used to be Head Gamemaker and even when no one would do events Crane would do events and did a amazing job. Crane also is a hard work member of this community and dedicated member.
  3. oklbos2000

    Tarkov's Full Resignation.

    Good lucky tarkov where ever you end up
  4. oklbos2000

    Staff Application - HaloRP

    accepted Please message or get in touch with me , Tony or Lycan for your interview and training.
  5. oklbos2000

    Meridian's Staff Application

    Accepted Contact a Senior admin + to train you and we will get you on your way into staff -------------------------------------------------------------------Move this Application into Accepted------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. oklbos2000

    Tex's GM Resignation

    Well Here it is My Resignation from the GM's. I have been a game maker ever since the summer of 2017 since then i made many events and moved up through the ranks. I met many GM's and trained some of them from trail to see them go high then me @Lex @Lee/Hallow @Blindy 4.0 and you guy's did a...
  7. oklbos2000

    HaloRp Changelog 9/2/2018

    people have to donate to get in to it thats what it means
  8. oklbos2000

    Bee's Resignation

  9. oklbos2000

    PLANET MAP!?!?

    I think if we are going to do multiple biomes it needs to make since like snow part of Biome is on top of the mountain where there is a base up there. Now I think if we are to do a base i think we should some thing like halo wars type of theme type of base.Naval should have their own ship that...
  10. oklbos2000

    NEW HALO MAP?!?!

    I say let’s not go to the old map let’s build a new one
  11. oklbos2000

    NEW HALO MAP?!?!

    I say we move back to the planet with a Halo wars type theme base and at least have a ship in the sky. But how long would it be til the map is done ?
  12. oklbos2000

    Casper's TGM App

    +1 good job
  13. oklbos2000

    Trip's GameMaker Application

    +1 on the event
  14. oklbos2000

    Back on Track...

    are you sure it's not An Actor
  15. oklbos2000

    Roes GM application

    +1 I have known roe For long time he hired me to be a GM and he was a Great HeadGM in all honesty he could be good idea to have him back on the team.