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Recent content by PatrickG

  1. PatrickG

    Well yeah Iron Guard Romania is Fascist Romania.....

    Well yeah Iron Guard Romania is Fascist Romania.....
  2. PatrickG

    Isn't your flag the flag of Fascist Romania?

    Isn't your flag the flag of Fascist Romania?
  3. PatrickG


    I made a new roster, everything is the same and imo, it looks more professional. If you like it, pass me your email and I will make you the owner because I believe you run the faction. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16Y03rXorTNmUAYmJ47zgFNQadjhtZYebNRjZsdK_KRU/edit?usp=drivesdk
  4. PatrickG


  5. PatrickG

    Oh god.... please tell me you dont like Fidel Castro.... jesus.....

    Oh god.... please tell me you dont like Fidel Castro.... jesus.....
  6. PatrickG

    Bullet or decapitation?

    Bullet or decapitation?
  7. PatrickG

    Happy New Years!

    Ecks dee
  8. PatrickG

    Happy New Years!

    Happy New Years bois.
  9. PatrickG

    Gigs? Jesus. You are stockpiling on like years of faps my dude. Nice.

    Gigs? Jesus. You are stockpiling on like years of faps my dude. Nice.
  10. PatrickG

    Im in ts

    Im in ts
  11. PatrickG

    Aight in like 30 though, ima go take a shower

    Aight in like 30 though, ima go take a shower
  12. PatrickG

    Join WW1RP, nibba lonely as fuck out here.

    Join WW1RP, nibba lonely as fuck out here.
  13. PatrickG

    Waiting for MRP be like.........

    Waiting for MRP be like.........
  14. PatrickG

    Extrav Final post

    Damn, losing a sibling must be the worst feeling possible. RIP.
  15. PatrickG

    Been here since almost the beginning.

    Been here since almost the beginning.