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Recent content by TinsleyLynx

  1. TinsleyLynx

    How would you like 1942RP ran?

    If this is war type RP, an occupational battle on an enormous feild would be awesome. If it's just 1942 life in general, still occupational in a big city or somthing like that.
  2. TinsleyLynx

    Status: Making the title of every forum post I make a pun

    Status: Making the title of every forum post I make a pun
  3. TinsleyLynx

    MTF Epsilon 6 sniper tunnel

    Big fat +1, MTF, GOC, and CI all have a very linear battlefield consisting of 2 tunnels, and the respective bases, adding an actual battleground would increase activity and motivation for all. Good Idea for V6 I think.
  4. TinsleyLynx

    Hey, when you have time, contact me, need to talk.

    Hey, when you have time, contact me, need to talk.
  5. TinsleyLynx

    Status: slaying bandwagoners

    Status: slaying bandwagoners
  6. TinsleyLynx

    Thanks, glad someone noticed.

    Thanks, glad someone noticed.
  7. TinsleyLynx

    Applying for CI Commander

    Applying for CI Commander
  8. TinsleyLynx

    Wondering why no one has fixed his Forums tags

    Wondering why no one has fixed his Forums tags
  9. TinsleyLynx

    Smelling like taco seeds and staring at pikkori in confusion

    Smelling like taco seeds and staring at pikkori in confusion
  10. TinsleyLynx

    Deploying the neurotoxin

    Deploying the neurotoxin
  11. TinsleyLynx

    Leting them eat cake

    Leting them eat cake
  12. TinsleyLynx

    And that's what I'm trying to fix...

    And that's what I'm trying to fix http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/how-to-actually-balance-the-mtf-vs-ci.11660/page-2#post-63085
  13. TinsleyLynx

    Fighting to balance the Chaos Insurgency against the Mobile Task Forces.

    Fighting to balance the Chaos Insurgency against the Mobile Task Forces.
  14. TinsleyLynx

    Trying to ressurect my PC

    Trying to ressurect my PC
  15. TinsleyLynx

    Probably about to get OOF'd

    Probably about to get OOF'd