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Recent content by Tragic Hurts

  1. Tragic Hurts

    Vietnam's 1 Year Anniversary Of Its Death

    Vietnam is back up buddy check it out! - ol pal Triangle
  2. Tragic Hurts

    and then are reborn

    and then are reborn
  3. Tragic Hurts


    Im not a ship im an apachi attack helicopter, so get your facts straight.
  4. Tragic Hurts

    What is ur setup?

    A hamster on a wheel running
  5. Tragic Hurts

    HA+ Meeting Mandatory 7 Eastern

    I might goto church so idk hopefully I stay for the meeting
  6. Tragic Hurts

    Tragic Hurts - Developer Application - 7/20/17

    What server then?
  7. Tragic Hurts

    Tragic Hurts - Developer Application - 7/20/17

    Tragic Hurts - Developer Application - 7/20/17 Name: Gabriel Rodriguez (Triangle/Tragic Hurts) Date of joining Revival: I joined about 1 to 2 months ago Tell us about yourself: I'm Gabriel, I am 15 years of age (don't like saying old cause I'm not really old), and I live in Florida. Mainly I...