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Recent content by uvictus

  1. uvictus

    that's it kai,,, im putting u in jail

    that's it kai,,, im putting u in jail
  2. uvictus

    leave me an my anime icon alone, you big bullys!!!!

    leave me an my anime icon alone, you big bullys!!!!
  3. uvictus

    how do i leave this situation really fast

    how do i leave this situation really fast
  4. uvictus

    It is truly wilden out today, boys

    It is truly wilden out today, boys
  5. uvictus

    *teleports behind you* OwO what's this

    *teleports behind you* OwO what's this
  6. uvictus

    Hey gamers, Victus here with another Minecraft lets play. Today we're playing SCP RP.

    Hey gamers, Victus here with another Minecraft lets play. Today we're playing SCP RP.
  7. uvictus

    *pulls out gun* Say that again, thot

    *pulls out gun* Say that again, thot
  8. uvictus


  9. uvictus

    oof!! You are such a sweetie, Ash!!! Circle and I adore you!! <333333

    oof!! You are such a sweetie, Ash!!! Circle and I adore you!! <333333
  10. uvictus

    ya ya joke! we are best friends :3c

    ya ya joke! we are best friends :3c
  11. uvictus

    Don't ever fucking write on my profile again!!!! I don't even know who you are. I don't even...

    Don't ever fucking write on my profile again!!!! I don't even know who you are. I don't even like your dog icon!!!!! unfollow me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!