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Welcome to Revival. The forums is an important aspect of joining the Community. This is where you can meet other community members, apply for staff, provide suggestions and participate in many other activities.

Recent content by Vortex Spacely

  1. Vortex Spacely

    How has everyone been?

    Hey guys.... CAF General Jake Redmond here.... Its been a while :/ how is everyone doing? Any Vietnam People left out there or people from that age at all? Hopefully everyone is doing ok. If you want to reconnect add me on Discord Nerooo #6067 I miss yall Fmr. Canadian Armed Forces General...
  2. Vortex Spacely

    This is not really an Introduction... This is for Harsh.

    I just would like to take the time to give one more final thank you to our Ex President @KingHarsh he with William Raised this community from the ground up. Without him, Revival would not be the way it is today. Harsh has taught many of us the way to be a leader. He has also taught me how to be...
  3. Vortex Spacely

    Canadian Armed Forces General Jake Redmond

    Hello! For those of you who do not know me, I am Jake Redmond. I am an Admin on Vietnam War RP and recently General of the CAF! I am 14 and still have not hit puberty (LOL). I am currently in flight training to become a pilot. I have over 1000 hours on GMOD and I am a dedicated staff member to...
  4. Vortex Spacely

    Revival Slogan

    "Stop, Go, Revival" CAF General Jake Redmond
  5. Vortex Spacely

    Community meeting

    Might make it depending on what fathers day weekend brings i do not know CAF General Jake Redmond