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Recent content by yanga001

  1. Y

    Vietnam's 1 Year Anniversary Of Its Death

    How the fuck has it been over 2 years. God damn i feel old. (looking back vietnam was not conducive to a good gpa in second year lol)
  2. Y

    Vietnam Revived plz

    All the grounded rp's (military, vietnam, falklands, and survival to some extent) have pretty much died because they get stale. There is a finite number of possible events, enemies, or it only caters to a niche. I think the same thing has happened to metro and possibly SCP although i have not...
  3. Y

    Fading away

    Fading away
  4. Y


  5. Y

    Revival's Future

    Hey guys, harambe rp pls.
  6. Y

    Revival API

    major props for doing this all in php, the output is sick and slick.
  7. Y

    Mathimatically yes, if U is the universal set, then the power set of U is the set of all sets...

    Mathimatically yes, if U is the universal set, then the power set of U is the set of all sets. If A is a subset of this power set then you pheasibly have the set of all sets.
  8. Y

    Places you have traveled?

    US, Korea, most of Europe, Peru, Caribbean, and most of Canada.
  9. Y


  10. Y

    Look who's back, little old Kai!

    10/10 would rainbow noose again
  11. Y

    swiggity swoogity im back for that booty

    swiggity swoogity im back for that booty
  12. Y

    see ya buddy

    see ya buddy
  13. Y

    Computer problem

    check your drives, use crystal disk info or some shit to see if your hard drives are failing. Same thing happened to me a while back before shit hit the fan.