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Revival Servers

Or the ones you suggested are shit.
Doni Danger
Doni Danger
To counteract that claim, here is one of the CW2.0 packs I suggested. I merely suggest, but this was agreed on to be a good quality pack. By adding just this, it immediately renders half of the SWEPs you put in the server useless as they are of oor quality. Add to that the CW2.0 INS DOI pack, which literally provides every gun we need. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=861964648
Look at the download size.
Doni Danger
Doni Danger
There are different files for the INS that make the download size a bit easier to cope with. Besides, it replaces nearly all the guns in the server, freeing up space for it. If you want, I can find a collection of items that will make the download easier.
You need insurgency, we do not have that.
Doni Danger
Doni Danger
You don't need to have Insurgency the game, you need to mount an Insurgency dedicated server. Do this:
1. Open Steam
2. Go to Library and open Tools
3. Look for Insurgency Dedicated Server and mount it
doni what about btk?
Doni Danger
Doni Danger
B2K comes included with the DOI pack, as well as 3 other packs. You only need to download those add-ons and mount an Insurgency Dedicated Server and you're good to go.
Players don’t like that stuff man they rather have packs handed to them and not do anything for it to work.
Doni Danger
Doni Danger
Yes, but it's really not that hard. I'm sure people would go an extra mile instead of having the current SWEPs we have right now.
Then my friend you don’t know gmod