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A long time ago...


Lead Developer
May 19, 2018
I probably should have made this a long time ago but I decided to properly introduce myself now. I suppose to start with, I am one of the really old players back when SN first merged with Revival. The whole process happened when SN was done with Nomad and I heard about it while I was on vacation. At the time I was on the Board of Directors for SN and when I came back I lost my position as upper management due to the switch. But, the manager of the new imperial RP, Mako asked if I wanted a Senior Admin position due to the switch for imperial. I accepted and eventually found myself helping him with development. Sadly the imperial server didn’t last too long so it was shut down and then I went off the grid.

So I then decided to move on and get my real life in full gear and get to a point where I could come back. So now I’m here as a Dev for Halo-RP.

For anyone who knew me when SN or during the imperial RP, probably remember me being ONI S0 LCDR Fence/ONI Alpha AI Vibrant. For the imperial I was Darth Vader.

If you ever see me on TS or Ingame don’t hesitate to approach or talk with me.

Simons / Kraken