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[Approved] Gunch Golds Advanced Character Application


General Gold

Steam Name/Steam ID : General Gold STEAM_0:0:89328515

How long have you played on the server?: 2 Days

Characters name/nicknames: Gunch Gold

Characters Race((Be aware Krogan are application only, and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted.)) : Human

Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/ranks-aboard-the-ship.1723/)) : Logistical Coordinator (Custom Job, Keep records of the cargo/supply incoming to the ship and outbound, also to issue and record supplies uniforms, equipment to people who require them)

Specific Gear, and/or abilities((Biotic abilities, Implants, and biotic abilities are application ONLY)) : No

Characters alignment, IE Paragon, Renegade, Neutral: Neutral

Characters Backstory((The longer, and more detailed the backstory, the most likely you will be accepted.)) : Born in Canada in to socialism, Gunch was always a bright student enjoying science, physics, politics, technology, and math. When Gunch when to High school, he had all University level classes and was a very straight edged student never getting in to trouble or doing Illegal things. He studied at the University of Waterloo and earned a Masters Degree in Engineering after a 5 year degree program he had no money and he was broke. Gunch in debt from University and needing a job looked all over for a job.

Unfortunately Gunch was not able to find a job in Engineering because of the socialism ruining the economy and job market in Canada. He was forced to find a job as a Logistics Coordinator in a Company specializing in shipping cargo abroad. He did his duty's as a logistics coordinator actually enjoying his work filling out shipping conformation orders and also working in the company's supply issuing requisitioned items like uniforms or vehicles for workers. Unfortunately for Gunch the company had to shutdown as the government of Canada sized the company's assets because of socialism crippling there economy. Gunch was angry but more then angry he was without a Job with no money coming in and not being able to feed himself or put a roof over his head he had to do something and fast.

Gunch did the only think he could think to do and look for a Job anywhere he could. One of the possibility he found was with Private Military Company contracted by New Eden. This being the best opportunity Gunch had if he wanted a job and to survive boarded the ship. Once he was on the ship he under when a basic training and tour of them ship, then he was assigned a job. Thanks to his engineering back ground he was assigned as a engineer with the Mercenary Group. Now realizing he was more proficient and even enjoyed a job in Logistics he sent in his application to become a Logistical Coordinator on the ship seeing as there are already plenty of engineers aboard the ship.

What is your characters goal aboard the ship? Why were they hired by New Eden? : To get a job and to be able to have food on the table. was hired because of my experience with Engineering.
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MERP Head Game Maker
Mar 19, 2017
ACCEPTED AS QUARTERMASTER~ Legitmately the same thing, you'll work alongside our other quartermaster... Once within the server you will be assigned to your new job.