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Captain Bastonnes GM Application

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Mar 15, 2017
Kansas, United States of America
Steam Name(please add RS, to your steam name): (RS) kingsewell28

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60167195

In-Game Position/Rank/Name (Most played character): Player/Captain/Bastonne

Are you a Donator on HaloRP?: No

If "yes" have you been warned by staff for Abusing your rank, or been removed from Donator Status:

If you have been caught minging, Fail RP or breaking server rules explain here for what you did:

If you are applying for Night Staff please say yes and if you are not please say no:
Age (Minimum 15): 20

Do you have a microphone(Not required)? Yes

Do you have TeamSpeak3(Required)? Yes

TS3 Name: Bastonne

Do you Have a KIK(Required)? Yes

KIK name(if you have one): kingsewell28

Timezone: US Central Time


Any info we should know about you(Something that may effect staffing): Nothing other than that outside of playing on revival servers, I have my job, college, and monthly military drill I attend. May reduce my time online but not drastically as these are primary occupations.

Tell us About Your-self(60+ Words, No Less): My name is Zach, and I am currently serving in the United States Army Reserves while attending college for a major in interactive 3D tech and Game Design. I also work at the gamestop in my home town. I enjoy roleplay games and the halo franchise very much. I've been playing on the Revival Servers Halo RP server for nearly a year and a half now and I have loved every minute of it.

How Long Have You Been On The Server?(Min 5 Days): almost a full 24 hours in one go.

Are you a minge or have been caught in acts of mingery?: No


Are you currently staff on another server? If so, which? : No

(Note: If you are staff on another server you will be denied)

Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.(Please Explain (What Servers etc)):


Have you ever been banned from any Revival servers? If so, why? No

How will your activity be on the server? fairly normal activity.

Days,Hours Of Availability(If you go inactive, for 1 weeks without LOA or letting someone know anything, you can and will be removed from staff): Will be available at least 1-2 hours a day, everyday.


Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words, No Less): I've assisted in creating events with other gamemakers on the server in the past and other players have said they've loved them. I take the position very seriously and can and will create some of the best events the server has to offer to allow for both serious and fun gameplay. I have a background in game storyline/character development classes in college; therefore, I can create short to long events within a matter of minutes on the spot. Which would come in handy for the server to allow for more event activity and help decrease the slow and painfully long passive RP periods on server.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (60+ words, No Less): I plan to benefit the server by boosting the event activity on the server for other players to enjoy. These will be from short, passive rp events, to long and well written out storyline events following in lore. I plan to assist in helping expand the server with new ideas for maps and other content that would benefit both staff and players alike. I also plan to benefit the server by growing its already large server pop through live streams and youtube uploads of server events and other content. Overall I wish to assist in leading the server onto greatness and continue to positively promote it for newcomers to enjoy and recommend. That is how I plan to benefit the server.

Explain why you stand out from others (50+ words, No Less): I believe I stand out from others mainly because I care for the fun and joy others have on the server. I want people to enjoy their time with other players when they hop on so they can have a reason to come back the next day and the day after that. I take the serious aspect of the roleplay server as it should...seriously. I look to do what I can to help out around the server or in passive rp like train, or add realistic assets to the server. I am a team player and love meeting new people to play on the server with and who share a common interest in both serious rp and halo. When I get on the server, the first thing I do is call for my squad and immidiately send out patrols just to give them something productive to do rather than sit around and wait for another event. And that is why I believe I stand out from others.

List (5) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,Jail,slay(Explain What They Do.)):
1. ulx armor - Sets the armor for the designated target(s)
2. ulx psay (player name) - sends a private message to targeted player.
3. !gimp (player name) - disables the players ability to use chat.
4. ulx map - changes the current map in server.
5. ulx motd - shows the message of the day.
Explain what minging is: Minging is when a player decides to "have fun" by ruining everyone elses fun with mass RDM's, trolling, fail rp, and overall just being an immature, and disrespectful player in the server.

Give one example of how you would deal with minging as staff(Give a situation in detail): First I would give the minge a warning. If the warning was broken then they would be kicked from the server. If they were to return and persist in minging, I would ban them for a set period of a week from the server. If they came back in that week and STILL continued to minge, then they were be perma banned from the server.

Explain what FailRP is in detail: FailRP is when a player doesn't want to follow along with the roleplay at hand. For example, a new player joins the RS halo server and uses mass effect ideals instead. Or if a player with the rank of private is given orders and disobeys them and goes off on their own rambo quest during an event.

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): I would pull the player aside and warn them for their failrp. If the problem persists then they would get kick/banned from the server depending on how serious the failrp was.


Explain what RDM is in detail: RDM is known as Random Death Match. It is when a player or a group of players partake in killing other players randomly and without proper reason.

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): I would pull the RDMer aside and ask for their reason. If they could not give a proper reason and continued to RDM then they would be kicked and potentially banned from the server for RDM.


Explain what Trolling is in detail: A troll is someone who likes to start quarrels with other players by calling them indecent names and making fun of their presence in the server and their reason for being on the server.

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): I would remove the troll from the server by either kick or ban. Warnings shouldn't comply to trolls since they already have a direct motive to just be an overall bully to other players.


Explain what OOC and IC is(Give a situation in detail):
OOC: OOC stands for Out Of Character. It's where a player breaks roleplay conversation to talk about something else not related to the server or event going on.
IC: IC stands for In Character. It means that a player is pretending to be or is roleplaying as someone else other than themselves.

What would you do if two people were fighting in OOC matters and it turned into IC matters (Give situation in detail): I would tell the two players to handle their matters off of the server and/or move them into a discord or teamspeak room to let them settle it their rather than in the server.


Do you understand that it is required to listen to and respect ranks higher than you? Yes

Do you agree not to advertise your application to anyone in the community in any way? Yes

Do you agree to treat all players fairly and respectfully? Yes

Do you understand that becoming a staff member means that you will be putting your staff duty in front of your in-game character RP?: Yes

Will you abuse your powers? Absolutely not

(If you say "No" and you Abuse your powers, you will be removed from Staff Permanently and Barred from Re Applying.)


I, <Zachary Sewell>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, <Zachary Sewell>, have acknowledged that I have read the constitution for Revival Servers at http://revivalservers.com/constitution/and fully understand how to abide by the rules

I,<Zachary Sewell>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within Staff.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i <Zachary Sewell> am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from Staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

And that i <Zachary Sewell>also will not under any Circumstance for whatever reason Retaliate against a player,Staff or this server, or the Community and any servers within it's domain for my own or someone else's feelings, or revenge.

I <Zachary Sewell> Acknowledge that this app may be denied or approved for a number of reasons.And that i will not retaliate if denied, and if accepted i will not flaunt it around in other's faces, that i will remain calm and cool headed.

I <Zachary Sewell> swear that if i commit any acts, such as Violating Community Standard's, Or Acts Such as Treason Towards the Server Or Community, I can and will be removed from Staff and Banned From Revival Servers, as it is a Just Punishment for the Crimes committed.

I <Zachary Sewell> Swear, my Loyalty and Full attention to the server, and my duties as Staff if Appointed to a Staff Position. For i shall Uphold and Guard The Rules Set-Forth By the Upper-Management, and enforce them as they should. And if i shall fail, in my duties repeatedly, i understand i may be removed and replaced.

#1Halo, Nov 28, 2017
Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
Last edited:


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
How do you plan to benefit the server?
Explain why you stand out from others.

Both of these categories were completely missed. As you edit those please respond to this post so I can review it once more and we can get you a verdict. Thank you.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
With that in order I can give this a positive, +1.


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
I just realized that this application follows the staff application guidelines. Don't change it, I just find it humorous. They have the both have the same basic information, excepting what Coyote was kind enough to inform you of. Waiting on slightly more people to +/- 1 this app. Rest assured, this app has been seen and is most definitely being considered.
Thank you for your application!


Former HoJ Warlord
Sep 3, 2017
I never met you, but you seem like a nice guy that is willing to help the GMs


Pro Player In My Dreams
Dec 3, 2017
United States of America
In my opinion your application is very good and you seem “fit for the job” but you forgot to fill out multiple questions which is why I’m not +1 your application. I believe we should not have more game makers then what we have but we should make them work harder because they applied for the job they should have to do it right.


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
Please contact a senior gamemaker for training and instruction at your earliest convenience
Thank you, and welcome to our team!

(Welcome back Capt.)


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
As terms of his resignation from Revival Servers, this app will be moved to where it belongs.
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