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ChaosNarwhals re-re-re Dev APP

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Aug 11, 2018
Name: ChaosNarwhal

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59480742

Age: 20

Timezone: EST

When did you join Revival?: Early 2018

Please tell us a little bit about yourself, how you came to Revival and how you began your Development journey: Came to revival looking for a haloRP and spotted them using one of my models, when I was very bad at models to haha. It made me curious to see how I can help out the server and here I am re-re-re applying haha

Please provide an example of a DarkRP job:

--MasterChief Yo

TEAM_MC = DarkRP.createJob("MasterChief", {
   color = Color(32, 32, 32, 255),
   model = {"models/valk/haloreach/unsc/spartan/spartan.mdl","models/suno/player/zeus/female/fang.mdl", "models/suno/player/zeus/male/formal_bill.mdl"},
   description = [[DATA EXPUNGED]],
   weapons = {"drc_ma5d", "drc_m6g_reach", "huntstk", "weapon_fistsofreprisal", "weapon_bactanade", "climb_swep2", "stungun", "weapon_sh_flashbang", "weapon_cuff_mp"}
   command = "masterchief",
   max = 1,
   salary = 0,
   admin = 0,
   vote = false,
   hasLicense = true,
   candemote = false,
   -- CustomCheck
   medic = false,
   chief = false,
   mayor = false,
   hobo = false,
   cook = false,
   category = "MasterChief",
PlayerSpawn = function(ply)
customCheck = function(ply) return
       table.HasValue({"Superadmin", "MasterChief"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))   
CustomCheckFailMsg = "You aren't the Master Chief",
--MasterChief Yo

Please provide an example of a DarkRP Category to match the job above:
name = "MasterChief",    
categorises = "jobs",    
startExpanded = true,    
color = Color(18, 148, 31, 255),    
canSee = function(ply) return 
table.HasValue({"superadmin", "Masterchief"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) 
sortOrder = 1 }
Bonus Experience (Just put N/A if not applicable.) : Been helping revival for almost 3 years now, been in and out but seems like it would be a good time to come back and help :). My knowledge of garry's mod know how, Source Modeling and porting, Texture editing and applications, Lua fixes as well small custom scripts *Not large ones I dont got time for that lmfao*, Configuring knowledge. General managing skills of projects.

Please provide an example of a basic SWEP:
SWEP.Author                         = "ChaosNarwhal/Meliodas"
SWEP.Contact                         = ""
SWEP.Purpose                         = "Halo 5 AR, with sweet attachments!"
SWEP.Base                             = "tfa_gun_base"
SWEP.Category                         = "Halo 5"
SWEP.Manufacturer                     = "Misriah Armory"
SWEP.Spawnable                         = true
SWEP.AdminSpawnable                 = true

SWEP.PrintName                         = "MA5D"
SWEP.Slot                            = 2                -- Slot in the weapon selection menu.  Subtract 1, as this starts at 0.
SWEP.SlotPos                        = 50            -- Position in the slot
SWEP.DrawAmmo                        = true            -- Should draw the default HL2 ammo counter if enabled in the GUI.
SWEP.DrawWeaponInfoBox                = false            -- Should draw the weapon info box
SWEP.BounceWeaponIcon               = false            -- Should the weapon icon bounce?
SWEP.AutoSwitchTo                    = true            -- Auto switch to if we pick it up
SWEP.AutoSwitchFrom                    = true            -- Auto switch from if you pick up a better weapon
SWEP.Weight                            = 30            -- This controls how "good" the weapon is for autopickup.
SWEP.ThirdPersonReloadDisable        = false         --Disable third person reload?  True disables.

SWEP.ViewModel                        = "models/chaosnarwhal/weapons/v_h5ar.mdl"
SWEP.WorldModel                        = "models/chaosnarwhal/weapons/w_h5ar.mdl"
SWEP.ViewModelFOV                     = 70
SWEP.HoldType                         = "ar2"

SWEP.Scoped                         = false

SWEP.Shotgun                         = false
SWEP.ShellTime                         = 0.75

SWEP.DisableChambering                 = true
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize                 = 32
SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip             = 288

SWEP.Primary.Sound                     = "chaosnarwhal/halo5/ar/ar_halo.wav"
SWEP.Primary.Ammo                     = "ar2"
SWEP.Primary.Automatic                 = true
SWEP.Primary.RPM                     = 640
SWEP.Primary.Damage                 = 100
SWEP.Primary.NumShots                 = 1
SWEP.Primary.Spread                    = .015                    --This is hip-fire acuracy.  Less is more (1 is horribly awful, .0001 is close to perfect)
SWEP.Primary.IronAccuracy             = .001                    -- Ironsight accuracy, should be the same for shotguns
SWEP.SelectiveFire                    = true                     --Allow selecting your firemode?
SWEP.DisableBurstFire                = false                 --Only auto/single?
SWEP.OnlyBurstFire                    = false                 --No auto, only burst/single?
SWEP.DefaultFireMode                 = ""                     --Default to auto or whatev
SWEP.FireModeName                     = nil                     --Change to a text value to override it
SWEP.Primary.Knockback = 0

SWEP.FireModes = {

SWEP.Primary.KickUp                    = 0                    -- This is the maximum upwards recoil (rise)
SWEP.Primary.KickDown                = 0.1                    -- This is the maximum downwards recoil (skeet)
SWEP.Primary.KickHorizontal            = 0.1                    -- This is the maximum sideways recoil (no real term)
SWEP.Primary.StaticRecoilFactor     = 0.5                     --Amount of recoil to directly apply to EyeAngles.  Enter what fraction or percentage (in decimal form) you want.  This is also affected by a convar that defaults to 0.5.

SWEP.Primary.SpreadMultiplierMax     = 2.5                     --How far the spread can expand when you shoot.
SWEP.Primary.SpreadIncrement         = 0.3                     --What percentage of the modifier is added on, per shot.
SWEP.Primary.SpreadRecovery         = 4.5                     --How much the spread recovers, per second.

SWEP.Secondary.IronFOV                 = 70                     --Ironsights FOV (90 = same)
SWEP.BoltAction                     = false                 --Un-sight after shooting?
SWEP.BoltTimerOffset                 = 0.25                     --How long do we remain in ironsights after shooting?

SWEP.IronSightsPos                     = Vector(-2.45, -3, 0.6)
SWEP.IronSightsAng                     = Vector(0, 0, 0)

SWEP.IronSightsPos_3A2                 = Vector(-3.29, -4.1, -0.45)
SWEP.IronSightsAng_3A2                 = Vector(1.406, 0, 0)
SWEP.IronSightsPos_7A4                 = Vector(-4.59, -3, -0.97)
SWEP.IronSightsAng_7A4                 = Vector(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.IronSightsPos_6B1                 = Vector(-4.6, -3, -0.81)
SWEP.IronSightsAng_6B1                 = Vector(0, 0, 0)
SWEP.IronSightsPos_AM2                 = Vector(-4.6, -3, -0.81)
SWEP.IronSightsAng_AM2                 = Vector(0, 0, 0)

SWEP.RunSightsPos                     = Vector(0, 0, -0.202)
SWEP.RunSightsAng                     = Vector(-21.107, 25.326, -17.588)

SWEP.InspectPos                     = Vector(10.519, -8.502, 1)
SWEP.InspectAng                     = Vector(36.583, 53.466, 34.472)

SWEP.Primary.Range                     = 16*164.042*3             -- The distance the bullet can travel in source units.  Set to -1 to autodetect based on damage/rpm.
SWEP.Primary.RangeFalloff             = 0.8                     -- The percentage of the range the bullet damage starts to fall off at.  Set to 0.8, for example, to start falling off after 80% of the range.
SWEP.BlowbackEnabled                 = true
SWEP.BlowbackVector = Vector(-0.02,-3,0.1)
SWEP.Blowback_PistolMode             = false

SWEP.Primary.MaxPenetration            = 4
SWEP.MuzzleAttachment                = "1"                     -- Should be "1" for CSS models or "muzzle" for hl2 models
SWEP.ShellAttachment                = "7"                     -- Should be "2" for CSS models or "shell" for hl2 models

SWEP.LuaShellEject                     = true
SWEP.LuaShellEjectDelay             = 0
SWEP.LuaShellEffect                 = "RifleShellEject"     --Defaults to blowback

SWEP.Attachments = {
    [1] = {
        header = "Sight",
        offset = {100, -280},
        atts = {"ma5d_s1","ma5d_s2","ma5d_s3"},
        sel = 0
    [2] = {
        header = "Internals",
        offset = {150, -280},
        atts = {"halo_ext_mag_h5","halo_sprintattack","halo_fmj_h5"},
        sel = 0

SWEP.Offset = {                                             --Procedural world model animation, defaulted for CS:S purposes.
        Pos = {
        Up = -5.5,
        Right = 6,
        Forward = -11,
        Ang = {
        Up = 0,
        Right = -8,
        Forward = 180
        Scale = 1.0

 function SWEP:Precache() 
     util.PrecacheSound( self.ShootSound ) 
DEFINE_BASECLASS(SWEP.Base) -- If you have multiple overriden functions, place this line only over the first one

function SWEP:Think2(...) -- We're overriding Think2 without touching the main think function, which is called from there anyway
    BaseClass.Think2(self, ...) -- THE MOST IMPORTANT LINE! It calls the Think2 function of the parent class, which is the base itself

    local ViewModel = self.Owner:GetViewModel( )
    local compassAng = (self.Owner:GetAimVector():Angle().y)
    if compassAng > 22 and compassAng < 68      then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_ne" )
    elseif compassAng > 67 and compassAng < 113     then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_n" )
    elseif compassAng > 112 and compassAng < 157    then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_nw" )
    elseif compassAng > 156 and compassAng < 202    then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_w" )
    elseif compassAng > 201 and compassAng < 246    then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_sw" )
    elseif compassAng > 245 and compassAng < 291    then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_s" )
    elseif compassAng > 290 and compassAng < 336    then
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_se" )
        ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "models/chaosnarwhal/halo5/weapons/ar/compass_e" )
    if CLIENT then
        if self:IsCarriedByLocalPlayer() == false then
            ViewModel:SetSubMaterial( 6, "" )

    local ammoString = tostring( self:Clip1() )
    local ammoOnes = string.Right( ammoString, 1 )
    local ammoTens = string.Left( ammoString, 1 )
    if self:Clip1() < 10 then
        ammoTens = "0"
    self.Bodygroups_V[4] =  tonumber( ammoTens )
    self.Bodygroups_W[4] =  tonumber( ammoTens )
    self.Bodygroups_V[3] =  tonumber( ammoOnes )
    self.Bodygroups_W[3] =  tonumber( ammoOnes )


function SWEP:Think()

    local ViewModel = self.Owner:GetViewModel( )
    --FireMode Stuff
    if CLIENT then        
        if(self:GetIronSights() and self.Bodygroups_V[2] == 0) then
            self.Bodygroups_V[2] = 1
        elseif (!self:GetIronSights() and self.Bodygroups_V[2] == 1) then
            self.Bodygroups_V[2] = 0

Please provide the basic setup of an entity:

6 SENT types : Nextbot, Anim, Brush, Point, Filter, Ai
Entity is setup inside of an entire folder.
Entitys take a base, a base entity with FUNCS to be shared.

Why should we pick you to join our Development Team? (100 words min.): I have been helping/developing/optimizing/QualityofLife for revival for about 3 years now. I have seen the ups and the downs and I've stuck through it all. I want to try help out again as I have in the past and try to make the server as good as it can be while bringing down the stress levels of others. We create friendships on revival, and when players are too worried about a broken addition or something taking longer to come out than expected can create an atmosphere of bad vibes and dropping player counts. I want to help out where I can for HaloRPs technical side, and even the staffing side or gamemaking side. I wish to help out everyone :)

Why do you want to join the Revival Servers Development Team? (100 words min.): Just seems like a lot of good work is being done, and I want to offer what I have to the table. and maybe when S&BOX comes out soontm. Our dev team can be well equipped with a modeler that is going to make sure we have all the drip that is needed. Speaking of GarrysMod Though, I want to get a more close experience with the players like in the past and see how their experience is. What they like and what we can change for them to make playing the server a fun and reliable time for everyone.


Former Development Director
TeamSpeak Administrator
Years of Service
Mar 4, 2018
United States of America

Absolute Unit of a man. He would fit greatly into the development team.


Halo RP
Halo Server Director
May 17, 2019
+1 You already KNOW.

But on a serious note, I'd love to have him back on the team. He's an amazing dev who has helped with the server and given me some advice on a lot of coding.
Apr 26, 2017
+1 for sure, Meliodas is a man of experience when it comes to being a developer and he would bring HUGE benefits to the dev team. The more good developers we have the better the server will be for all players to play on, give this man his spot already.
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