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Hexy's Edgy Application: Electric Boogaloo, so bad it's not the sequel.


A Tumor given life.
Jul 8, 2017

Any issues with the app are open to be spoken about, I'm willing to change stuff to fit better into whatever.

Steam Name/Steam ID : FlexyLexyMexyMonGon ◨_◧, STEAM_0:1:70044789

How long have you played on the server?: I haven’t played a minute, I found out about this place through Conquisitor and Hank, decided to apply.

Characters name/nicknames: Anastasia Baranovskaya, A shortened version of her name she responds to is Nastya. Her Patronymic name is Afanasievna. Overall if you wanted to spell her name fully it’s be: Anatasia (Nastya) Baranovskaya Afanasievna, I likely will not use the full name on the server, y’know. Likely, I might.

Characters Race((Be aware Quarian, and Turian are application only, and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted.)) : Human.

Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/available-positions-aboard-the-ship.2905/)) : Muscle, I suppose.

Specific Gear, and/or abilities((Biotic abilities, Implants, and biotic abilities are application ONLY)):

Light Armor: Pretty simple stuff, the armor will stop about a burst of shots from something akin to a medium powered assault weapon. Also features a helmet if they feel like wearing it. Due the armor's nature, it hinders movement minimally, but also offers little protection.

Few Sets of casual clothing: Defines itself, doesn’t really offer any protection.

M-27 Scimitar: The Concept of a Shotgun is simple: Range if overrated, devastate them from up close. With a somewhat slow 100 RPM Firerate, this weapon packs about 8 Rounds per-clip, and is a fairly useful Full-Auto shotgun. Capable of devastating shields as well as biotic barriers, however struggles against armor (Not like it matters, this thing will put you in the ground in a few shots anyway) You don’t want to be on the wrong end of this thing.

M-5 Phalanx: A 6 Round Magazine Heavy Pistol that you also don’t want to be on the wrong side of, when you aim the thing a laser comes out the end, good for spooking. You don’t want to be shot by this thing.

L2 Biotic Implant: Outdated, Unstable, not good to have. Whilst their Biotics are combat capable, by god if they’re not unstable. Utilizing their Biotic abilities for a prolonged amount of time can have serious negative repercussions, following the use of Biotics they can suffer various effects depending on how much they stained themselves. This can be something as minor as getting a headache or bleeding from the nose, to things such as falling unconscious, and various other, bad things. Their biotics however, are powerful enough for combat utilization and things of that sort. The more they strain themselves, the worse it gets. In general having L2s are not a good thing to have, due to misc' bad stuff. Abilities shall be listed below:

Biotic Barrier, Lift, Warp, Ability to lift some stuff akin to Telekinesis, Throw, Shockwave, Punch. They could be trained in more Biotics, I suppose, not that they want to.

Omni-Tool: We all have one, everyone does. Theirs is fitted with an Omni-Blade, as well as a Medi-Gel applicator, with about five dosages upon entry, can be refilled and stuff.

Characters alignment, IE Paragon, Renegade, Neutral: Likely Neutral, although if you want to put it in D&D Terms, likely something akin to Chaotic Neutral

Characters Backstory((The longer, and more detailed the backstory, the most likely you will be accepted.)) :

Anastasia was born in the capital of Russia, Moscow. Whilst being Earth Born, she got her Biotics from an odd mistake on her parents part before her birth: They ordered the wrong food on Thessia. Whilst on the planet as tourists, they stopped by a restaurant and ate, but due to a mix up her mother ended up consuming food with trace amount of Eezo.

Somehow surviving such an experience, her mother gave birth to them in Moscow. Skipping over fluff, She was implanted the L2 Implant at a young age, and things weren’t sailing smoothly with that. While demonstrating a powerful Biotic ability, it was quite unstable, typically raising the raising the concerns of her parents. Before long, the medical bills began to skyrocket, quickly leaving her family to become quite lower class. Whilst in school this reflected the way she was treated, whilst she kept her Biotic abilities to a hushed level, her constant medical issues lead to quite a few missed days, as well as making her an easy target for the more scumbag students, this more or less her to have her change the way she acted once she made a new friend group, her previous introverted nature being somewhat forcefully outgoing out of fear of social rejection.

Anastasia wasn’t capable of affording going to anywhere overtly prestigious, and whilst she did attend a place to learn her Biotic ability more, she was not a student of the Grissom Academy. After lingering around there for a few years, the woman ended up working various minimal wage jobs that she could never hold very long, despite their nature, her medical issues tended to get in the way. Spontaneously fainting on your customer's meal is a good way to panic them, as well as get fired. Due to her Biotic abilities consistently causing them problems, she grew to loathe them overtime, viewing them more as a curse rather then any sort of gift, and even briefly considered joining one of the Biotic extremist groups due to the lack of actual help the L2 lot get.

Left little other options, Anastasia elected to take up more dangerous work that would likely compliment her abilities better, without her parents approval - her partially her own, seeing as this was mostly an ‘All or nothing’ choice - They took up Mercenary work, only really working small gigs that wouldn’t need to her to put herself out there too much. Until she decided to join a bigger gig, a more militant crew she had heard about, with much panic among herself whilst she applied to join said crew. And then here we are.

As a note, it's suffice to say that most of this backstory takes place Pre-"Holy Shit Reapers fucked earth what do"

What is your character's goal aboard the ship? Why were they hired by New Eden? :

They have one goal aboard Eden: Make money. Not due to personal greed, but mostly so they can afford a new implant, so they can stop the non-stop suffering experience that is being an L2, although they are fully aware of the risk of swapping implants.

If they were hired by new Eden, it would likely be due to their Biotic and Combat capability, whilst she is no expert, she is more then capable of holding her own in combat. Plus, she's Russian, you want all the Russians you can get in a military, nobody fucks with Russians.
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