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I am Take.


Apr 13, 2018
Nashville, Tennessee
Well. This is awkward.

Everyone seems to be doing this, so I may as well. Even though I might not be here long.

I'm Takeusername, although most people just call me Take. I came here mostly for the Halo, but I'm also interested in some of the other roleplays you have here. I'm an experienced roleplayer, and I enjoy writing and developing my characters through that. I also do my own writing, creating stories and poetry in some cases.

That's the brief stuff, and if you'd like to know more, feel free to ask. There's just one more thing...

It may not be apt for this forum, but I kind of figured out what it was a bit too late. So here we are.
Thing is, I don't really have G-mod, which makes it a bit difficult to partake in the roleplay with you guys. Hence why I said I might not be here long. XP

So there's that. And if anyone has any recommendations for what I should do at this point...I'm listening.
