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Name: Jenkins Clarke
Rank: SSGT
Status: Active
:: Physical description ::
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Build: Stocky
Height: 6,1
Weight: 207.3 lbs
Age: 23
:Last seen:
Working on the Whiskey 54 Roster per seen here
::External access granted::
Whiskey 54 Roster
:Service record:
Infantry Zulu 11 [past]
Whiskey 54 [current]
Mother: Jane Clarke, Father: Wallace Clarke
Sibling: N/A
POB: Earth
:Notable events:
Being able to help build and work on the Amber in clad for a few months.
Born to a "Normal" family Jenkins was seen as a bright child. He took quick interest in building and taking things apart. After his general education he entered into a well known collage and became an engineer. His full time job was working in ship yards. On the side he had started to test himself in creating Exo-suits. He has developed a minor case of schizophrenia. One thing that kept showing to him is some symbol that he has tattooed on his left forearm
:::::Image one:::::
:Current list of injuries in time of service:
Three broken ribs due to friendly fire.
Hairline break of right shoulder blade from being thrown across a hall during a explosion.
Damage has been sustained to the face of Jenkins during an accident involving acid in the Medical Bay.
To aid in healing he is regulated to wear a quarantine mask filled with a mix of a regenerative liquid as well as burn treatment liquid giving it a blue appearance
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:: User ::
Jenkins Clarke
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Name: Jenkins Clarke
Rank: SSGT
Status: Active
:: Physical description ::
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark green
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Build: Stocky
Height: 6,1
Weight: 207.3 lbs
Age: 23
:Last seen:
Working on the Whiskey 54 Roster per seen here
::External access granted::
Whiskey 54 Roster
:Service record:
Infantry Zulu 11 [past]
Whiskey 54 [current]
Mother: Jane Clarke, Father: Wallace Clarke
Sibling: N/A
POB: Earth
:Notable events:
Being able to help build and work on the Amber in clad for a few months.
Born to a "Normal" family Jenkins was seen as a bright child. He took quick interest in building and taking things apart. After his general education he entered into a well known collage and became an engineer. His full time job was working in ship yards. On the side he had started to test himself in creating Exo-suits. He has developed a minor case of schizophrenia. One thing that kept showing to him is some symbol that he has tattooed on his left forearm
:::::Image one:::::

:Current list of injuries in time of service:
Three broken ribs due to friendly fire.
Hairline break of right shoulder blade from being thrown across a hall during a explosion.
Damage has been sustained to the face of Jenkins during an accident involving acid in the Medical Bay.
To aid in healing he is regulated to wear a quarantine mask filled with a mix of a regenerative liquid as well as burn treatment liquid giving it a blue appearance
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:::::::::: File updated ::::::::::
:: User ::
Jenkins Clarke
::: File edit complete :::
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