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Jorgens Game maker Application


Nov 13, 2017
Texas, United States of America
Steam ID:

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?:
4 days 9 hours

Do you have any bans/warns?:
No I don't believe so.

Age (Minimum 15):

Do you have a microphone?(Required):

Do you have TeamSpeak(Required)?:

TS3 Name(Required):

KIK name(Required):
Phone broken getting new one between this week or the next one.

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for?
No I am not staff on another server


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.):
I do not have Experience with staffing. But I hope to get some

How active will you be on the server?
I will try to be on most days but I have school on week days.

Days,Hours Of Availability:
Friday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Maybe Monday on some days.
I will most likely on week days if I get one 4:00 because of school. But Sunday and Saturday I am usually free.

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words):
I would be a better candidate then others because I am more active then most. I wont abuse the power of being a gm. I am respectful and nice/mean when I need to be. I not just doing this for the fun of being a gm with the power but to make events. So when new players come on to the server their not waiting hours upon hours to just leave and never come back. But to make them have something fun to do like a event same with the old players. Because I take Role play on a level of being serious. That's why I would be a better candidate then others.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words):
If I were to make GM I would bring my creative ideas and mind to help build events and campaigns;With my ideas I would be able to give some other ideas to use to other people in events.If my Ideas help then people will see a different view on our server that there is serious RP here and something to do beside waiting hour or 2 for a event.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
!noclip- noclips you ,!jail jails someone , !goto teleport to player,!admin - will god you,Cloak you and noclip you, !bring brings player, !return returns player, !menu enters ULX menu, !explode explodes player, !gives play a Item.

What is In character and what is Out of character?
In character is when you talk in halo RP and out of character is when you talk out of Character, you can do /ooc or you can say out of Character in game speak.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team?
Yes I am ready to work with the Game Maker team :D

What is the purpose of a Game Maker?
Bring RP to life to players and make story's(events) ; For players to have a reason to come onto the server so they don't just stand around and leave.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )
This will take place on a planet there are forest and large bodies of water, the UNSC has a base on the planet that has been taken over by the covenants. The mission is to go in and take back the base you can expect air support and enemy aircraft, The main attack will take place on the ground. Oni will be going in and securing any in tell to make sure it is not taken by the covenants. UNSC marines and ODST and Airborne members and SoS/hoj will be securing hostages in the base, Jet pack will be included on the outside attack on the base. Their mission is to secure hostages and hold the base.

UNSC marines will be drop off by pelicans at the front of the base, from their the pilots will be flying the sky's looking for enemy aircraft. Meanwhile Oni will head inside the base and wiping all UNSC information so the covenants cant get their hand on it. UNSC marines and ODST and SoS/hoj will be entering from the ground entrance to take on the base. As they are entering the base they see bodies of UNSC personal on the ground that were executed by the covenants. Oni is still in the base when they spot hostages that have been staved and killed by the covenants, Oni Will it in comms. There is 20 to 30 hostages in the center of the base getting staved and killed at this very moment. All of the troops infiltrating the base run into the covenants and try to kill all of them as fast as they can, They do and manege to get to the center of the base, All troops that remain from the battle enter room in breach formation.

They take the room with in 20 minutes, there are no hostages that got injured in the breach. They manege to kill all of the covenants in the center room. The troops head to a transport ship to put the hostages in but for the ones that got serous injurers are getting treated by medics in pelicans. All troops except for some leave back to HQ, the ones that stayed are protecting the base on the planet. Back at HQ the troops head to Alpha for debrief to know how well or bad the mission went. The get their told the mission was a success and then all troops have a moment of silence for the fallen men in battle against the covenants. The debrief is ended and all troops are dismissed.

I Jorgen Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Jorgen, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, Jorgen, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i Jorgen am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
Last edited:


Valkyrie Owner/Ex-Senior GM/DJ Of Halo RP
Halo RP
Head Admin
Years of Service
Jun 17, 2017
Texas, United States of America
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEUTRAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You have some good ideas for event but their needs to be more details plus it says 3 paragraphs of 1 event not 3 different events
other than that i though it was good


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
Edit your event idea and add in your STEAM ID and I can take another look at this and pass some judgement on it then.


SoS SOXO Blademaster Vhetra Tesovee
Sep 24, 2017

You seem eager to help out and do good for the server, which is commendable, but your "Why I'm a better candidate" and "How I plan to benefit the server" sections seem, well I don't want to say lazy, but they seem like a filler episode. Give a bit more, sell yourself!

Your event section is supposed to 3 paragraphs detailing ONE event, not three events in one paragraph each.
On top of that, you've failed to mention what SoS/HoJ would be doing in any of said events though I'll tack that up to the lack of detail in each, and no offense but your grammar and spelling could use some work.


Former HoJ Warlord
Sep 3, 2017

Pretty much everything that Vhetra and Tex said.


Valkyrie Owner/Ex-Senior GM/DJ Of Halo RP
Halo RP
Head Admin
Years of Service
Jun 17, 2017
Texas, United States of America
I Recommend you edit this and correct it once you think it is good and ready for grading again it will be checked off before it is finaly decided on. It is ok if you miss read something just go back and fix it .

Weeaboo Jones

Aug 5, 2017
Numerous spelling and grammar errors, they're not worth a -1, but it's not worth a +1 because of it. Just a nitpick for me though.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
If you need help, or any tips to improve this then you can ask me or someone else. Though most of what was said in our comments is all that is wrong.


This guy
Jun 5, 2017
-1 Reread or redo your application, most of your answers are wrong or flawed.
Steam ID:
Penny Wise
Level 3

36 I also plan to benefit the server in a way of being a good gm .
I don't know how but you managed to put in the number '36' into your answer.

if someone was new to the server and needed help with something that involved a gm
Please specify in future what you mean. I don't understand why a new player needs any form of help from a gamemaker. What you are referring to is a staffs job.

Your Event Idea(s)
1. This will take place in a space map. We will start will a man getting captured by the enemy. We will have to save him from the enemy. It will involve all of UNSC clearing the map of all enemy's. All of the remaining will go in to save the captive. Though out this all pilots will be flying around giving air support to the ground troops. Then the air support will come down when it is clear and pick up all troops.
Ok starting off you do label the map type but please remember to be conscious of the fact that the map you want might not be on the server. Please specify which enemies in future. This event seems very basic and lacks much thought. How were the hostages taken? This event is shoot bad guys save the hostages and then leave. I do agree with your inclusion of the airforce however it is still an incredibly basic job for any character on the server. If you had the airforce trying to maintain air superiority and have naval in their naval cruiser battling an insurrectionists cruiser while the planet is simultaneously being overrun by flood (senior gm permission) and the ground forces just have to hold out and protect the hostages.

2. This will be a ocean map (alien world). In this the home base would be a battle ship (boat). From their the plan will be made to attack the enemy battle ship (boat). and we will send in air support to clear the air of enemy's. The ground support will be on boat heading to the enemy's to take the base over and when that is accomplished the mission will be over. They will head to home base and regroup.
Again an alien ocean world does limit you in terms of maps. You want us to essentially space pirates if the carribean? Another basic event kill the bad guys leave.

3. This will take place in a big cave on a alien world. They our in the cave because we have pick up recent enemy activate in the cave. Their would be jet packs to jump over big rocks and gaps. The ground troops without jet packs will be taking the long way to the center. But on the way there they will in counter enemy's. The jet pack group will have to find the center or go back and save the ground troops, They could split up and risk the chance of more deaths. After the main part of the mission the all troops will make their way out of the cave for pick up.
With the limited nature of the maps this event would take too long to set up and likely wouldn't have a great effect on the community. These event ideas lack a twist, they hack into our comms and anticipate our plan and launch a counterattack taking over the naval ship there.

I'm sure you will make a good gamemaker just please put effort into the application and read the questions carefully


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
Due to what is stated above and the inability to correct most errors within the original post, I will recommend this to be denied and barred for a week and given time to completely come to a final product before reposting in a later time period.

But that's simply my own opinion, the higher ups can go forth on their say.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
Much better, will cast my final vote once finished with class and able to read more in depth.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
It's really not too bad if you were to ask me, grammar is kind of an issue, but people aren't always good at it. If anything I'll +1 and would recommend being placed onto a week trial period to see if you are the proper fit for the Gamemaker Team, and then going from that point afterwards.


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
Ok, so this app has some good points and some things that made me scratch my head a little. Before anything I'd just like you to consider one question; Do you think that if you're event does not go to plan, can you improvise or develop other options in a split second?
As far as other critiques go, I really like that you have intentions to be active, but do you think that you can do events often and still be able to construct memorable and just plain good events?
The only other things I think caught my eye was a lack of a heavy definition for IC vs. OOC and what you personally can bring to the table. IC vs OOC can be a very interesting line for some, and not having it clear in an app raises some concerns. What you can bring to the table isn't something i haven't already heard before, so I'm just worried that I won't have someone who can't do anything other than the normal things which people get bored of. How do you respond to things like the critisms I've presented you with?


Nov 13, 2017
Texas, United States of America
If my event did not go as I planed I think I could put it back on track depending on how bad things got during the event. If the map did not work then I could probably improvise and say we got some wrong in tell on the planet or something like that. I think I could do events often and make the events good for people to enjoy and not get board. But if their was little time to make the event then it might not be as prepared as I would like it to be to make the event. For IC and OOC I don't think I did a good job on the question so I want to re answer it. IC is when you are being in character and taking the RP seriously and not being stupid like some people in the RP. OOC is when you talk out of character and talk of topic or something in real life. If your typing in chat you do /OOC. I want to bring more to the table then others put on their app and I want to my own thing that like all the normal people. I am hoping you like my answer and I get to be a Game maker.


Years of Service
Aug 4, 2017
If my event did not go as I planed I think I could put it back on track depending on how bad things got during the event. If the map did not work then I could probably improvise and say we got some wrong in tell on the planet or something like that. I think I could do events often and make the events good for people to enjoy and not get board. But if their was little time to make the event then it might not be as prepared as I would like it to be to make the event. For IC and OOC I don't think I did a good job on the question so I want to re answer it. IC is when you are being in character and taking the RP seriously and not being stupid like some people in the RP. OOC is when you talk out of character and talk of topic or something in real life. If your typing in chat you do /OOC. I want to bring more to the table then others put on their app and I want to my own thing that like all the normal people. I am hoping you like my answer and I get to be a Game maker.
Honestly, I'm pretty happy with this response. Just know that when it comes to things getting derailed in events, a backup plan is essential.
But beyond that;
Please contact a senior or HGM for training and whitelisting
Welcome to the family