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Mark GM Application

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May 8, 2017
North Carolina, United States of America
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11101

Whats your name in game? How long do you have in game?: ODST MPr ENG MED PFC Mark 4week 1day 5hour 8min 2sec

Do you have any bans/warns?: no

Age (Minimum 15): 16

Do you have a microphone?(Required): yes

Do you have TeamSpeak(Required)?: yes

TS3 Name(Required): Mark

KIK name(Required): James Gaylor

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for? no i'm not staff on any sever


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.): yes a little bit

How active will you be on the server? Every day

Days,Hours Of Availability: 5 to 7 hour

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words): because it a hell of fun making events. And if i was making events they will be Awesome for me and the people.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words): making events helping staff if they need it and having fun.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):
1. !goto going to your target you want to go to
2. !god making yourself invincible
3. !ungod making yourself unvincible
4. !noclip you can go throw Solid objects
5. !jail when you jails the selected targets for the specified time
6. !unjail when you let the target go
7. !give giving a item to the target
8. !freeze freezes fhe player in place for however long you want
9. !unfreeze unfreeze the target
10. !slap slaping a selected target

What is In character and what is Out of character? in character IC is when you are now Rollplaying,Out of character OOC is when you stop Rollplaying like talking about something in the real world.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team? yes i am

What is the purpose of a Game Maker? making fun event so we can have a fun time on RS

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs )
Mission Operation
Devil Lands
OOC first i am going to get all NCO+ to the classroom do give the briefing about the mission.
IC we are going on a unknow planet and we have intel the covenant have a FOB set up and getting ready to all out Battle. So we are going to try to stop them befor they do that. When they get there it not going to be long because we have no idea what on this planet and what the covenant.

ODST,ONI,VALKYRIE are going to get anything they know. Like how do they know where are we and and intel of any more FOB or bases they have around the Galaxes. SoS,HoJ are going to get any vehicles they can get there hands on. The rest of the Marines are going to try and take the main FOB and Secure it as best as they can. When that is done there going to try and fine the person in charge. OOC it going to be a event character Covenant Fleet Commander.

when track him down or kill him we are getting the hell off this planet because are radar see we have more covenant to help out the main fleet.OOC there it going to be two covenant ship and we got to destroy them befor we can leave when that is done that is the event THE END.

I <Mark> Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, <Mark>, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I,<Mark>, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i <Mark> am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.
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Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
App is almost as barren as the Nevada Desert, needs some love put into it before i even decide on a verdict.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
I'd add in some color and beef up your explanations about yourself, it'll look much, much better.
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