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PvP Sim Balancing

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Apr 16, 2017
Its no secret that the different jobs on the server have many advantages over each other when it comes to PvP, usually with the standard marines at the bottom of the totem pole, so imma make this post so people can discuss how we can make PvP fair and fun so all can enjoy it, and to set rules for any sims i do.

Rainbow Six Siege:

Competitive (ultimate fairness):
All participants choose a job that has no shields and their health is set to 100 and armor to 0. Any users with pac on turn it off (to avoid shit hitboxes). All participants are stripped and given the same weapons (most likely an assualt rifle or possibly a shotgun Edit:
h3_br_tfa seems really good for this). 4 players on attacking team get to choose between a nade or a flashbang (user choice). Matches last 5 minutes where if a defender is alive after 5 minutes they win. Defenders cannot go outside nor can they stand on staircases leading outside. Defenders either noclip into the room they want to defend in, or break down the door of the room they want into, or ask for a tp into the room during prep phase. For multifloor maps attackers will be given grappling hooks.

Casual (moderate fairness): All non shielded participants health will be set to 200 with 100 armor. Shielded participants will have their health lowered depending on the strength of their shield. All weapons except explosives or spartan lasers are allowed, as well as no cloaking or jetpacking is allowed. Matches last 5 minutes where if a defender is alive after 5 minutes they win. Defenders cannot go outside nor can they stand on staircases leading outside. Defenders either noclip into the room they want to defend in, or break down the door of the room they want into, or ask for a tp into the room during prep phase.

Insanity (the world isnt fair, kid): Either all jobs will be spread evenly among both teams or two team captains will choose teams. No health will be set and all weapons are allowed, but cloaking and jetpacks are not allowed. Matches last 5 minutes where if a defender is alive after 5 minutes they win. Defenders cannot go outside nor can they stand on staircases leading outside. Defenders either noclip into the room they want to defend in, or break down the door of the room they want into, or ask for a tp into the room during prep phase.

Possible classes: (these will need to be play tested and balanced accordingly, possibly with some removed)

Tachanka main: Walk speed set to half as fast, but recieves a deployable cover (dupe) wherever they want it as well as either a saw or chain gun (would need to test to see which fits best, saw does more damage, chain gun shoots more bullets).
(Speed can only be set by high ups)
Rook main: defending team recieves a 20-50 armor bonus (will need to be decided)
Castle main: can choose 3 windows/doors to reinforce (place door dupe twice on top of existing door)
Vigil main: recieves cloak but health is lowered (possibly to 60)
Doc main: recieves 2 health grenades to heal team
Kapkan main: recieves 3 slams
Ela main: recieves 2 flash bangs
Valkyrie main: (can only be played by a gm) can noclip around the map and place 2 cameras

Ash main: walk and run speed is increased
(Speed can only be set by high ups)
Montagne main: recieves a riot shield and health is increased by 20
Ying main: recieves 4 flashbangs
Hibana main: recieves a rocket launcher with two shots
Fuze main: recieves 3 frag grenades
Thermite main: recieves 2 c4 (could be really op i need to test this one)
Blitz main: immediately banned from the sim because i dont like blitz
Glaz main: recieves socom sniper (if there is a thermal binoc then he gets it also)
Sledge main: can choose one outside wall to be deleted

Note: some shielded players, after /sleeping, have damage reduction, usually very strong, as in one test with an orion and a non shielded, non armored player, a shot did around 32 to the non-orion, and did around 8 to the orion.

Feel free to add anything you feel would make it more fun or fair for each gamemode, or add your own gamemodes.
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Aible Reins

Rhino Enthusiast
Years of Service
Halo Representative
Apr 18, 2017
Cant lower shields, but the PvP sims are quite fun.

another game mode could consist of capture the flag, a colored prop that can be transported to either side via picking it up

heck, we could even put the marine drill instructor job to this purpose for the reason of training, it has ten slots allowing for a 5 v 5 and can have the spawn points set and removed on either side of the 'map'/sim area. it would definitely make combat training more fun

>note, may require those like game makers to remove/add the whitelist for the training, or just be allowed to set the team of an individual without the whitelist. (ulx command that allows the GM to force a player into a job without a whitelist for it. It is called set team I believe)
heck for that matter it would definitely be useful for other events too.


Ex Forum Manager | Ex Nomad Spartan Team Creator
Years of Service
Mar 13, 2017
I'm taking this where it belongs.

John Wick

Aug 9, 2017
From an analytical standpoint, here are the classes which cause the most fuss in a PvP situation and here are the reasons why:

High-ranking officials in the HoJ and SoS

Now i'd like to clarify these are classes seen in PvP sims that involve multiple parties and are not of the same regiment!

Hunter: as a hunter i can fully state that we are ridiculously strong in Sim's and actually take away the fun from it, due to our extremely high damage absorption and health, this means that your average marine or a tema of them has no hope in taking down a hunter, while this may be lore friendly, it ruins a sim when there is a 13ft giant that will ROFL stomp you when you come out to say hello, personally i think that Hunters should only be in sim's if something fair can balance them.....another hunter perhaps, (however the same issue applies to the hunters, read paragraph 2 of the freelancer analysis)

Freelancer: well....there are a few things which irritate people about going into a PvP situation with a Freelancer, especially in a team game where one side has a freelancer which i have seen a LOT, essentially the shields they have make it impossible for the marine to wear down the shields enough to really hurt them, this ties in with the next issue of that shotgun, to which i have experienced from both ends is wildly powerful and shreds marines like butter, normally being the main option for a Freelancer in a sim. Now when you couple the shotgun and shield combo together with the freelance pretty much tailgating whomever they are after and spamming the shotgun, it leads to a pretty swift end, finally there is the cloak which isn't a major issue, but when there is a cloaked, armoured death spitting machine behind you, it is suffice to say that people get fed up pretty quick.

on the flip-side, the freelancers are this well equipped and should have the right to use their full arsenal, while it is a hassle to remove the shield entirely, i do not think freelancers should be tied in with humans in a sim, the argument against this would be 'why not have the same amount on each team', well from what i've seen it leads to the two freelancers left standing as they hunt the weaker targets making the sim boring for the others as they wouldn't have had a chance in hell.

High ranking SoS and HoJ: this one is simple, very high hp, shields and scary CQC and ranged weapons, kiss goodbye to your team of regular humans if you go up against these guys.

flipside, i see the HoJ and SoS engaging each other normally before going after the little guys, this is nice to see but the imbalance is still there.

all criticisms/agreements/questions on my analysis welcome!
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