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Thuek, Kiri 's File ( engineering and alien application )

John Snow

Jun 12, 2017
team Name/Steam ID : Crazed Marauder

How long have you played on the server?: About three weeks, its still a great server.

Characters name/nicknames: Kiri Thuek, Nickname: Reptile.

Characters Race((Be aware Quarian, and Turian are application only, and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted.)) : Drell.

Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/available-positions-aboard-the-ship.2905/)) : Engineering ( on an SCP server I have a senior engineer, if you care i'm main engie on TF2, and have always been an engineer when playing the Mass Effect games. )

Specific Gear, and/or abilities((Biotic abilities, Implants, and biotic abilities are application ONLY)) : Thuek, Kiri has an average M-8 assault rifle, An Omnitool, and an M-3 pistol( I'm fine with my gear at the moment.)

Characters alignment, IE Paragon, Renegade, Neutral: Neutral.

Characters Backstory((The longer, and more detailed the backstory, the most likely you will be accepted.)) : Thuek, Kiri was born on Kahje, the Hanar home world, he was raised by a Drell family where he was the youngest, his parents Thilha Thuek ( His Biological Father ) and his mother Osukes Theuk ( his biological mother ) thought he needed to go through the Compact as his parents were very deep into keeping culture. His father, thilha was a bartender when he was growing up and gave Theuk, Kiri an interest in bartending, however his father wasnt much enjoyed by some and had several hits put on him and his family, because of this he immigrated to Earth to assure his families saftey, this happened when Theuk, Kiri was nine.

As stated before he was the youngest of his family becuase he had to siblings, both male Drells the oldest one was named Soru Thuek who at 19 became an adventurer, he was killed by the Blood Pack that afterward looted his ship. Thuek, Kiri''s other brother lives on Illium today, he works as a gun salesman. At a young age he started to find an interest in Engineering, this seemed to happen because of a VI kit his father got him. While in his teenage years he joined activities based on engineering and used any chance he could to learn more about it, this time for him was a peaceful one, he spent time meditating with his mother and studying with his father. As he aged he learned that there arent many Drell engineers however, he was determined to become one this caused him to become somewhat of an outcast in Drell society.
As he aged into an adult at 18 he went to school at the Engineering school of Kentucky. Later at the age 19 he moved to the Citadel and worked the Citadel Souvenir Store. While he lived on the Citadel he got another job working for a Volus at a used car dealership where he kept the used cars in somewhat working order because used cars aren't that good sometimes.
When he was 20 he had gained Depression from the death of his oldest brother and tried to commit suicide by overdosing on medical drugs but failed putting him in a one year coma, he awoke at 21. he got a new job as a bartender at Afterlife on the Citadel for about 2 months. While bartending he met another Drell he fell in love with named Irune Naet he is currently in a long distant relationship with her at the moment. At the age 22 he enlisted into the New Eden Program ( NEP ) where he was able to learn about engineering even more. Currently he is awaiting word to join the Icarus crew.

What is your characters goal aboard the ship? Why were they hired by New Eden? : His main goal seems to still study and learn to all advantages about the universe mainly because of his young age, its believed he was hired or is going to be hired by New Eden for catching there attention, mainly because of his fascination about engineering and his determination even when outcasting others of society who judged him for his interest in engineering because there are very few Drell engineers compared to how many Drell are assassins and soldiers.
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