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Travar(Crimsons) GM Application.

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Mar 1, 2018
Illinois, United States of America
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62467440

What's your name in game? How long do you have in game?: ONI ENGM MEDO CR Crimson (Orion Squad)

Do you have any bans/warns?: I do not have any bans/warns.

Age (Minimum 15): I am currently 15. ( Please do ignore my age on my profile. I meant to choose 2002 but accidently chose 2003 so it says I am 14.)

Do you have a microphone?(Required): I do have a microphone.

Do you have TeamSpeak(Required)?: I do have TS3

TS3 Name(Required): Travar/Crimson

KIK name(Required): tonymcmuffins

Are you currently staff on a different server? Are you willing to leave that staff position for the one you are applying for? I was a admin, but I have gone inactive because I turned over to this HaloRP server. I barely go onto the server.


Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.): I am pretty experienced with ULX. I will now list my experiences with staffing on other servers.
  • Diabolic Halo RP ( Dead for a while) - GM, Mod.
  • Burning Vengeance( Died, turned into something else.) Co-owner, Community Manager, Head- Admin, and Mod.
  • Exclusive Gaming/Unity Networks(Vanished into something else.) - Senior Admin and Senior GM for Halo RP server.
  • Critical Corn Gaming( Sort of still exists)- Mod for Dark RP.
  • New World Authority ( Same as Critical Corn Gaming)
  • Imperium Gaming. ( I left my staff rank there for Revival Servers.) WW2(Semi Serious)- Admin. WW1(Semi Serious)- I have been a Head Admin( Temporarily so that things could be fixed in the staff system.), Senior Admin. GM. H.E.C.U. RP- Mod. Halo RP- Server Manager, Deputy Server Manager, Head Admin. ( I started up the server with 2 other people. One held the box, the other was the Deputy since he didn't have the staff experience I had. I had a perfect Add-on collection for the server. It was big but was the best since it had a lot of good things for RP. The box holder( Not Murlock.) decided he would put me as Deputy since he knew his friend more than me. The server did not even last 3 weeks. It died as quickly as it started. I had it as a Semi-Serious RP, I know what players like since I am one, then they turned it into Nut script.) WW1 ( Nut script)- First admin to be chosen to staff on it. Global Admin-( This is when they had a lot of servers and I had to check up on every server while documenting the servers progress, as well as the staff and what the players thought of it).
  • I have been the following ranks: Co-Owner,, Manager, Deputy Manager, Head-Admin, Senior Admin, Admin, Trial-Admin, Moderator, Trial-Moderator, Head GM, Senior GM, and GM.
  • I have also been staff for many more servers but can remember the names.
  • I have been every rank of Staff besides Owner.

How active will you be on the server? As soon as I get home I will get onto the server. Look below for availability list.

Days,Hours Of Availability: Monday- Most likely will get on 5:30-6 PM Central and stay until 10:15 Pm ( Minimum)
Tuesday- 5:30-6 PM Central to 10:15 PM (Minimum)
Wednesday- Depends on what I do, might get on at 3 PM or 5:30-6: PM Central until 10:00 (Minimum)
Thursday: Most likely 5:30- 6 PM until 10:15 (Minimum)
Friday- Probably will get on at 3 PM , Get off at some time to go to my father's house. Get back on at least at 8 PM, play past 10:30 ( Minimum).

These times can change at any time, and I will try to inform someone if it affects the outcome of a planned event that was scheduled.

Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words): I believe I am equal to the other candidates but I believe I am experienced. I have been a GM before, as well I have been a Game Maker and a Staff member many times before. I see sometimes that there is a long drought of events on one day, and some events without any help. I believe I can be beneficial to assist in these problems. These problems make the player base and even some staff members upset. The players sometimes go an entire day waiting for an event to start, even if it something small like hunting down someone as well as role-play.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (50+ words): I plan to benefit the server by increasing the success of it. I want to help as much as I can as well as keep the role play alive. I am experienced as well as know how to handle situations if the event does not go as planned. I am more than prepared to assist game makers with events they need help with and take over if they disconnect. I can think off the top of the head if I need it and I believe I can make unique events. My events include everyone and gives them tasks, so that no one is doing nothing. If a group is doing nothing, then it means that something is wrong.

List (10) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: cloak,ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,):

!giveammo (Person) ( Amount of Ammo) - Gives ammo to the target(s).
!hp (Person) (Amount of HP) Gives health to the target(s).
!administrate ( Some servers don't have this) It Cloaks you, Gods you, and no-clips you. It is used to quickly turn on the 3.
!jail (Person) - It cages the target.
!freeze (Person) - It freezes the target in place, they can not use anything. They can not be picked up with Physgun until thawed.
!armor (Person) (Amount) - It gives Armor to the target.
!stopsound - It stops the sound on the server then restores it. Good to stop sounds that are heard server-wide but are not there anymore. Like a fire sound that is no longer there, this is helpful to remove it.
!noclip, !noclip ( Person) - This can enable yourself or a target to "fly" .
!spectate (person) - This allows you spectate a person. ( Some servers have different command for this)
!mute (Person) - This disables the persons ability to be heard when they type chat.

What is In character and what is Out of character?
In Character- When things are taken seriously. Messing around could be taken seriously and consequences might be given out. Example: Person is minging, they can get in trouble. Things said in OOC are not taken in RP. In Character is also in RP, where things such as Medical RP, Engineer RP, Police RP, and other things can take place.

Out of Character- Things that are said in .// or //. Aka /ooc. If someone says something in OOC that can effect the IC situations, it is considered OOC. OOC should not be taken seriously in game. Example: " This guy killed this guy". If MP's went to the person and arrested them without getting proper radio clarification or in character realization. This is considered Meta-gaming. This is a part of both things.

Are you willing to work with a Game Maker Team? I am fully willing to work with a Game maker Team.

What is the purpose of a Game Maker? The purpose of a game maker is to provide most of the RP in Halo RP. They provide events, mini-events, and things they created to bring role-play to the players. Game makers help the server by making it fun to play. They give players situations that can either bring action, RP, or situations that involve both. They are one of the pillars of the foundation that makes Revival Servers Halo RP successful.

Give us a full event idea you have. ( 3 Paragraphs ) Map: gm_valley

Briefing: I, Naval Ensign Mendel, will call everyone to debrief. I will wait 10 minutes for everyone to gather into the room. Everyone will get into the briefing room and get to their respected spots. I will start the briefing, explaining what is going to happen in the event. They are going to respond to a distress call from the UNSC Outpost "Mandala" stationed on a war torn planet. Our station was chosen to go respond the call and investigate. The UNSC+ SoS/HoJ will have to figure out what went wrong at the outpost. Another objective will be to find any civilians and get them to a evacuation shelter. The Marines, Special Forces, and Naval will be assigned to searching the outpost, investigating the area. ODST will drop and secure the evacuation center. The pilots will be tasked with providing aerial recon as well as assistance to the ground forces if needed. One wasp will be given, 2 Hornets, a falcon on standby and one Pelican. The wasp will providing light recon as the hornets will be used to do the same but will provide heavier assistance when needed. The Pelican will be used to transport the civilians to the evacuation center until more reinforcements come to take the civilians out of there. ONI, Spartans and Geiger will advance to find the civilians, secure them, and then get them into the Pelican. Jetpacks will also be given.

How event will go: Dead marines and a dead CO will be at the Outpost. Traces of a fight will be shown. Dupes will be made before the event so that set up time will be efficient and perfect. One dead elite will be at the outpost, giving hints of what is to come. A survivor will be there, but he will be injured and have trauma from the fight. A few drops ships will appear dropping off covenant soldiers. The forces at the outpost will have to defend it from the waves of covenant, as well as complete RP tasks. One of the tasks will be investigating how it went down, fixing the communication center, and doing medical RP on the survivor. The ODST's will drop at the evacuation shelter but will have to fight against covenant forces to secure it. The ODST's will have to make sure the shelter stays secure. The ONI/ Spartans/ Geiger will find the civilians and take them to the shelter with the pelican. There will be one civilian that will be a GM. The Civilian will cause RP, as showing signs of mental disorders. The disorders can include: Schizophrenia, Insanity, Depression, and can be Bi-polar. This brings a unique sense of RP, testing them to see how well they can deal with this man. They will meet up with the ODST and defend the civilians until more reinforcements arrive. The air force will provide air support. The Pelican will assist the transportation of civilians. The falcon will transport the forces that are with the civilians. One hornet will stay at the outpost. The other hornet will be at the evacuation shelter providing air support. The wasp will assist the ONI/Spartans/Geiger in getting the civilians. The event will end once pelicans arrive to evacuate them.

Debrief: I will give everyone 10 minutes to make it into debrief. I will be there and give a brief summary of the mission. I will tell them what they did right and what they did wrong. Giving them input on how they did on that mission. I will then explain the reason the covenant were there, to clear up some questions. The covenant were there because they were expanded FOB's to get more territory for operation. I will then go into promotions, then finish with any questions. The medics will have to attend to anything they did not finish. The survivor will be interrogated by ONI, he will be passive-aggressive. He has trauma, so he will give a incomplete explanations of what happened.

I, Travar/Crimson, Agree and understand that i am not staff, and it is not my job to do staff duties, unless there is 0 staff on i will not use my commands unless needed. I also agree that i will not noclip/abuse my powers.

I, Travar/Crimson , acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, Travar/Crimson, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within GM's.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if I, Travar/Crimson, am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from GM's and or staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

Note: Thank you for taking time out of your day and reading this. Have a good day or night.


Some guy
Halo RP
Game Maker
Years of Service
Aug 29, 2017
New York
Contact myself or a senior for an interview. We are always in the teamspeak, please don't hesitate to approach us.
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