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Where Has Kai Been?


Too Many Years
Staff Blacklisted
Years of Service
Networking Blacklisted
Feb 11, 2017
I know it's shocking for once Kai hasn't left and came back oh my god let's throw a party.

So where have I been? Two months ago I got promoted at my work so I'm working more than ever, and my boyfriend has decided to take a path into the military later so I'm preparing for that. I've been out of state for a while as well. That's about it to it.

So let's talk about it, why haven't I been here and why haven't I came back? Well, let's start with the basics, is it because I'm blacklisted? No, because if I really cared that much I'd just get it appealed. Is it because SCP is boring? Well, I haven't played in a long time so I wouldn't know. Is it because Halo's Content Pack is too large for a specific human being with three terabytes of hard drive yet it seems to take up half of it? Yeah, um well no I don't play Halo. Well, what is it?

Truth is well first, I'm moving pass really getting committed to gaming I think I've said this before but I'm really not a gaming type of guy, I played SCPRP and HaloRP for the roleplay, I like the art of it, storytelling etc I just like writing which is why I prefer not using my mic because immersion if I start using my mic I'm out of immersion and now I'm doing mingey dumbshit like eggdog I mean I didn't say anything, second is it's been a really long time and last time I left and came back there was barely anyone I knew and I felt uncomfortable so I don't want to do that again but none of those reasons makes up 100% of why I haven't come back.

You see the real tea is I might be getting engaged soon, well it's gonna happen whenever he does it, my boyfriend and I's anniversary is coming up and he has been talking about it for a while now, this has been a thing going on for months and you know that's been something I've been longing for, I never really wanted to get married but the thought of it being edgy and all bring butterflies to me, I don't want to commit to anything other than him really.

So there it is, I will be in TS for a bit once I figure out the IP again and then I will make my leave from my visit.

- Kai, seeya <3


Mar 28, 2019
Awww best of luck wherever life takes you!