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Ashtons Developer Application 22/6/2017

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Old HaloRP Manager|Old TS HA|Old Forums HA
Mar 8, 2017
Name: Ashton Myers
Date of joining Revival: Bout Mid February to early march
Tell us about yourself:My name is Ashton Myers, im currently in highschool and i work at a gas station, my favourite hobby is building computers either for me or for others, i tend to stay inside and avoid social interaction so im a bit odd, i tend to yell a lot for no reason, mainly cause i have ADHD, other than that, my lifes boring so theres not much to say. Im Currently learning Lua and this upcoming September ill being learning Python and my brother will be helping me out
What role are you taking:
Why do you want to become a developer for Revival: Because i have shown great interest in helping this community
What will you bring to the development team: I plan to bring help to arsenal and his team, i also am wishing to help a bit with ULX(also learning it) and Lua stuff with it
Can you show/link us your work(Must): Arsenal excused this till i can find my USB with my ZORK game
Are you active on Teamspeak: Im teamspeak staff
Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat. Yep
Do you have a microphone? Yep
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