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Barbedpilot's Re-Forums staff application

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Professional Insomniac
Apr 6, 2018
(NOTE: I'm not really staff for any other server anymore, and the other server might be shutting down soon, idrk. However, I do wish for everyone that stops by to take a read to really read into my application, as I do wish to support Revival as a forums moderator again, I'm still apart of the graphics team and have continued to support Revival and work hard on projects as a whole while still apart of another server. I have no intent to damage or harm the community in anyway, and I never did either. I hope you can understand that. Thank you!)

(NOTE 2: I also understand that I am currently not actively playing on any of Revival's Servers, but that's because my interests for things like SCP-RP and gmod rps as a whole have dwindled over the time, but I can assure that I keep up to date with all the information on such. [Also SCP is literally down rn I couldn't be active if I wanted to])


Do you have TeamSpeak? (Required):

TeamSpeak name (Required):

Steam ID:

Do you have Discord? (Required):

Discord name and numbers (Required):

Age, only 15+:

What forum experience do you have? (Please specify what communities you have worked for and what you had to do):
I used to be past Senior Admin here at Revival Servers for the forums staff team before the slot change.

Have you ever been banned from the Shout Box or forums, and have you been warned for anything on the forums?:
I've never received any warnings or bans in the community as a whole

Tell us about yourself (1 paragraph minimum):
My name is Barbedpilot, and I like to sit on my ass all day and stare at a website! Just kidding. I spend my days of summer playing video games and wasting precious hours when I could be around helping out communities. Pretty epic right?

Why do you wish to join the forum staff team? (50 words minimum):
I wish to re-join the Forums Staff team because I still have a passion for being a member of the forums, and I still wish to be apart of the community as a whole. While yes, I am still a member of the graphics team, I wish to be able to help out more by being apart of one of my more well known past positions, I feel like I could benefit myself with my own freetime, and also benefit Revival, as even thought I may lack playtime on servers, I still keep up to date with all their changes, and I know Revival SCP-RP like the back of my hand. Do I know anything about Halo?

What can you bring to the Forum Staff? (80 words minimum):
I can bring my past experience and talent to the Forums Staff team and truly show who rightfully claims the victory royale at nightly prunes. I can bring my constant activity and heavy insomnia and keep an eye on forums as often and as much as possible, and can guarantee satisfaction to both parties of which being other members and managers of the Forums team, and those who are apart of the community and wish to spend their lovely evenings here on the forums.

Why should you be picked over other applicants? (80 words minimum):
Yknow this question always makes me sound like an ass.
I think I should be picked over the other "existing" applicants because I have a heavy amount of past experience, and I'm still just as active as I was as forums staff. I always have a very expansive knowledge on the servers in this community like SCP-RP, and constantly keep myself updated with whats currently going on with them.

Do you staff on any other servers?:
I used to be a HGM on another server as of recent (Hence my removal from mod) but very soon, I probably won't, so don't hold it against me for the moment >.>

How active will you be on the forums? (Realistically):
Everyone knows how active I'll be.
Catch ya on the forums ;)

Do you go to school/college/university? (For activity purposes):
Yes, I go to High School and suffer through the day but use forums anyway because no one can stop me.

How active will you be on the community’s TS?:
Eh, depends on how I feel. Sometimes I like to just sit in there and play music, other times I'll be non existant unless for meetings.

Do you meet all of the requirements?:
Yea probably

Situational questions:

1. You get on the forums to find out two sides arguing and fighting over something that really isn't clear what it may be what do you do? (50 words recommended)

Find out what the argument is about and look into it more with the allotted time I feel I have, and try to settle the argument before it becomes more escalated. It is important for people to remain civil and avoid heavy arguing as it could lead to one or more persons ending up saying something they regret. :(

2. You are looking through a few threads and find some non-SFW (Safe for Work) words used in a post, what do you do? (Normal Swearing is OK I mean harsh profanity) (50word recommended)
I would send the person a message through forums advising them to be careful about their word choice, and inform them that their post was edited to remove such words, (in which I would do). If their profanity was extreme and they are known to do such action, I probably wouldn't let them off as easy and give them a warning point and inform them of their warning via DM through forums.

3. If you are also staff for a server as a mod and the SM is being verbally abusive to people in the shoutbox using racial slurs and calling them any sort of unpleasant names, what would you do? (50 word recommended)
I would try to talk to them in private to calm them down and hopefully figure out why they are so aggressive at the time. Afterwards, whether or not I have much context, I would advise them to calm down and try to talk about it instead of taking their anger out on others, as it sets a bad example and reputation not just for themselves, but Revival as a whole.

4. What would you do if someone (player/staff and/or yourself) is being harassed on the forums? (80 word recommended)
Depends on what the exact situation is, but lets go off of saying it's someone being personally targeted, and constantly spammed and sent threats etc.
I would speak with the person who was being harassed or speak to whoever came to me about the situation to gain more context into the scenario, and (going off above), I would confront the harasser through private messaging and discuss the situation with them. I would try to calm the individual down and talk them out of continuation of their actions, and in a case of threats and etc. I would probably inform the harasser of an impending temporary ban, as threats like such are not tolerated. If they seem to calm down, and no longer pursue their actions against the victim, I would leave them with a small temp ban, and check on the victim after the ban has subsided to make sure that the harassment doesn't continue.
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