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Gameboys Second Staff App

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Years of Service
May 24, 2017
Kansas, United States of America
Steam Name(please add RS, to your steam name): Murican Gamma

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:118857315

In-Game Position/Rank/Name (Most played character): UNSCASO JMED PV2 Gameboy

Are you a Donator on HaloRP?: Yes.

If "yes" have you been warned by staff for Abusing your rank, or been removed from Donator Status: No.

If you have been caught minging, Fail RP or breaking server rules explain here for what you did: I was Ones Caught "Minging" With Climbs Swep and Punching People With it in the CQB Room on the Old map But that was a Long Time Ago.

If you are applying for Night Staff please say yes and if you are not please say no: No.
Age (Minimum 15): I am 19.

Do you have a microphone(Not required)? Yes.

Do you have TeamSpeak3(Required)? Yes.

TS3 Name: the one the Only Gameboy

Do you Have a KIK(Required)? Yes.

KIK name(if you have one): Gameboy23232

Timezone: US Central


Any info we should know about you(Something that may effect staffing): There is nothing other then that i work two jobs But i will have time Atleast every other day to get on and staff If anything i will Staff more then I RP

Tell us About Your-self(60+ Words, No Less): Well I am 19 as of October 8th and I work two jobs one at a Carpenter company and the other at a warehouse for Walmart I have always Had a Interest for RP and that is what drove me to Look at the All so popular Gmod and I love Halo so I looked at Halo Rp and Found RS ever since then RP Has Since been a hobby of mine. I also Love Dogs and Guns one of my Hobbys is to go to the firing range in my town and shoot guns.

How Long Have You Been On The Server?(Min 5 Days): I have been on the server for alteast 11 weeks

Are you a minge or have been caught in acts of mingery?:I am not a minge (Unless you count punching people with Climb swep as being a minge)


Are you currently staff on another server? If so, which? : No i am not staff on another server

(Note: If you are staff on another server you will be denied)

Experience with staffing (ULX, other servers, etc.(Please Explain (What Servers etc)): I have been Staff on Rs before and i know most of the Commands


Have you ever been banned from any Revival servers? If so, why? No

How will your activity be on the server?

Days,Hours Of Availability(If you go inactive, for 1 weeks without LOA or letting someone know anything, you can and will be removed from staff): I will be able to get on atleast every other week but i will able to get on atleast 3 out of 7 days of the week


Explain why you're a better candidate than other candidates (75+ words, No Less): One. Because i have Previous Experience as staff on RS and Did a Hell of a good job at it alteast I Think and Me Being a "No Life" I would be able to stay on the Server for 5 hours at a time and be able to do more then other staff as well as i would focus on staff more the Rp because Staff comes before RP and I HATE it when people Ruin other Peoples Rp Experience it Just makes me made Because people come here to have fun and role play but people come and ruin that.

How do you plan to benefit the server? (60+ words, No Less): I plan to benefit the server by Kicking Minges and Banning RDMers to help the community and to Insure people have a fun time on the Server. as well as to help other staff with there Dutys and players with there problems on the server. I will also help with any New players to Gmod or Rp So they dont Fail Rp without Realizing it.

Explain why you stand out from others (50+ words, No Less):I standout from other players because of my Previous Experience on the Server as staff and as a Fellow player to help out People with problems as well as I try my best to try not to show things such as bias or Contingent dissidence when i comes to new problems that i have not seen before or if some tells me that i am doing something Wrong.

List (5) Ulx Commands and what they do(List something other than: ban,Kick,Warn,TP,Maul,Slay,Gag,Jail,slay(Explain What They Do.)):
1. Freeze: Makes it so a play can not move nor turn
2. Strip : Strips Targeted player of all weapons or Tools
3. Armor : Gives a play up to max of 255 armor
4.hp : Sets A players Hp up to max of 600
5. spectate : Allows you to Silently Watch a player
Explain what minging is: A player that is not Listening to people such as Staff or Higher ranks in order to troll the server in any way to ruin other peoples Rp Experience

Give one example of how you would deal with minging as staff(Give a situation in detail): say a play was siting on peoples laps using sexy dances and Mic spaming First you would Goto to them and Warn them then if they Dont stop then you would warn them one more time if they do it again then you would kick them for Minging and for no intention to RP

Explain what FailRP is in detail: Where a play does not role play as there char and continuously brings things into something out of char (Killing them self would also count as fail RP)

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail):Say a player was Killing them self over and over againfirst Bring or goto them and warn them but if they counting you will kick them for Fail Rp and no intention to Rp


Explain what RDM is in detail: It is a Random death match with out the other player consent in a Sim

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): Say a player is Running around killing People you would first Strip them and then Bring and Jail/freeze them and them ask them why they where rdming after they give you a bad Reason or a lie you would Kick them if they come back and do it again you would have a Admin Ban them for 1 week


Explain what Trolling is in detail: Where some one Messes with people on the server With a intention to get banned

Give one example and how you would deal with it As Staff(Give a Situation in Detail): Say A player is going Around Shooting people in the Feet and mic spamming you would First strip and gag him them bring and freeze/Jail him then ungag him and ask him what he was doing if he Starts mic spamming or gives you a bad Reason you would kick him for No Intention to Rp Failrp minging ARDM and mic spam


Explain what OOC and IC is(Give a situation in detail):
OOC: Is out of char would never be brought into char Say a person was was sayings memes in the Ooc Chat that would be ooc
IC: In Char Would never bring Out of char into char Say a person was Roleplaying to Do a medical Treatment that would be IC

What would you do if two people were fighting in OOC matters and it turned into IC matters (Give situation in detail): Say there fighting because one got a promo and the other one is mad about it then they start fighting first you would tell them to stop fighting in OOC then they take it in Char you would bring both Partys and warn them if they do not comply then you would kick them both for Disrespect and not listening to staff


Do you understand that it is required to listen to and respect ranks higher than you? Yes.

Do you agree not to advertise your application to anyone in the community in any way? Yes.

Do you agree to treat all players fairly and respectfully? Yes.

Do you understand that becoming a staff member means that you will be putting your staff duty in front of your in-game character RP?: Yes.

Will you abuse your powers? No.

(If you say "No" and you Abuse your powers, you will be removed from Staff Permanently and Barred from Re Applying.) Yes.


I, Gameboy, acknowledge that this application is to be filled out with complete honesty. Being accepted will hold me at a higher standard in behavior and demeanor. Not doing my job or abusing will result in an instant demotion.

I, Gameboy, have acknowledged that I have read the constitution for Revival Servers at http://revivalservers.com/constitution/and fully understand how to abide by the rules

I,Gameboy, Swear to uphold the server rules, and enforce them.And to stay within the limits and rights given to me by my assigned rank within Staff.And to keep a calm head and clear judgement when dealing with staff and or players, in order to ensure fairness to all who join the server.

And that if i Gameboy am found in violation of the rules i swore to uphold, and of this contract that i can and will be removed from Staff and forever barred from Re-Applying, along with any other Consequences that are deemed Necessary.

And that i Gameboyalso will not under any Circumstance for whatever reason Retaliate against a player,Staff or this server, or the Community and any servers within it's domain for my own or someone else's feelings, or revenge.

I Gameboy Acknowledge that this app may be denied or approved for a number of reasons.And that i will not retaliate if denied, and if accepted i will not flaunt it around in other's faces, that i will remain calm and cool headed.

I Gameboy swear that if i commit any acts, such as Violating Community Standard's, Or Acts Such as Treason Towards the Server Or Community, I can and will be removed from Staff and Banned From Revival Servers, as it is a Just Punishment for the Crimes committed.

I Gameboy Swear, my Loyalty and Full attention to the server, and my duties as Staff if Appointed to a Staff Position. For i shall Uphold and Guard The Rules Set-Forth By the Upper-Management, and enforce them as they should. And if i shall fail, in my duties repeatedly, i understand i may be removed and replaced.


He seems to know his stuff, I would prefer colors but it's fine. He has LOTS of time on the server and knows rules and in general seems like he would be very good for the staff team.

Tony A

Halo RP
Head Admin
Mar 29, 2018
Contact me, HA Tex or G.M Lycan for your interview.
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