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Musyafar Anon's ACA


Anonymous Member
Jan 25, 2017
Anonymous' Secret Hideout
Steam Name/Steam ID:


How long have you played on the server?:

For about a month, possibly more.

Characters name/nicknames:

Musyafar Anon

Characters Race((Be aware Quarian, and Turian are application only, and must have a detailed backstory in order for the character to be accepted.)) :


Requested position aboard the ship((http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/ranks-aboard-the-ship.1723/)) :


Specific Gear, and/or abilities((Biotic abilities, Implants, and biotic abilities are application ONLY)) :


M-92 Mantis

Extended Barrel: Lengthens barrel, creating greater bullet velocity and impact.
Thermal Scope: Reveal enemies through walls and smoke with a 4x optical scope and enhance stability and accuracy while zoomed.
Piercing mod: Capacitor boosts kinetic coil generators, increasing shot penetration.

M-4 Shuriken

High-Velocity Barrel: Superior kinetic coils increase shot penetration.

Characters alignment, IE Paragon, Renegade, Neutral:

70% Renegade, 30% Paragon.

Characters Backstory((The longer, and more detailed the backstory, the most likely you will be accepted.)) :

He was born on earth in the year of 2158, his father being a soldier, and his mother was a nurse for a hospital in the Arizona region of The United North American States. When his father came home for leave, he would get drunk and beat Musyafar senseless. In 2174, Musyafar enlisted into the Alliance Marine Corps at the age of 16 to protect those he cared about, and to get away from his father. He was assigned to an Infiltration team as a sniper since he scored at the top of his class for marksmanship. His squad mates knew there was something off with him, but they never could figure it out. When he reached the rank of 2nd Lieutenant at the age of 22, he was recruited for the Interplanetary Combatives Academy.

When he finished the Academy, he was assigned the designation of N1, and was re-invited to the Academy, he continued to go back to the Academy until he achieved the designation of N6. Through all of the tough training that he had to endure, his favorite part was the zero-G combat training. After he achieved the N6 designation at the age of 26, he was assigned to the Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta as a sniper, where he went on various missions before an incident that would get him sent to a psychiatrist for a psych evaluation.

The psychiatrist asked him questions, such as "Have you been experiencing memory loss, or been losing track of time?", "Do you engage in any obsessive or compulsive behavior?", and "Do you often feel like people are saying negative things about you behind your back?" All to which he answered yes to. The psychiatrist looked at him with a concerned look on his face as he asked him one more question, which would assure the psychiatrist of his illness, "Have you ever looked in the mirror and not recognized yourself?" To which he also answered yes. He was given a few days of leave until the psychiatrist gave his higher ups the results of the evaluation. He was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) and was medically discharged. That is, until New Eden found him and recruited him, mostly because they thought that his marksmanship could help.

What is your characters goal aboard the ship? Why were they hired by New Eden? :

Musyafar's goal aboard the ship is to keep the peace among the crew. They were hired by New Eden because they though he would make a valuable member to the team with his excellent marksmanship.


MERP Head Game Maker
Mar 19, 2017
I'm gonna have to deny this... Mainly becuase the char was introduced as some psycho- the job choice is horrid... And some things in the backstory don't really work... So-... I'd say make a new char alltogether.


Halfway Revival
Jan 25, 2017
Can I know what things in the backstory don't work? Just so I can improve them.
I am no genius but.... probably the mentally insane part the sniper and muscle is full N7 are also full to my knowledge mkay.


MERP Head Game Maker
Mar 19, 2017
There's so many things wrong here, it's not just the backstory- it's the char itself... You introduced him as some unstable cyborg- now he's becoming some marksmen who's still unstable~ Not to mention the backstory is a bit... 'Off' if that makes sense.