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Nathan - Developer Application - 8/23/2017

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General Of The Air Force HaloRP
Feb 2, 2017
Florida, United States of America
Name: Maverick/Nathan
Date of joining Revival: September 2016 (I was here for nomad and Revival)
Tell us about yourself: I enjoy coding small projects or things I use on a daily basis and my only sport is Ice Hockey
What role are you taking: Configurer (and if necessary i know how a little bit about Entities) on halo
Why do you want to become a developer for Revival: I enjoy coding and I spend most of my day doing things on the server and with both of those going for me I think I would be a great developer for HaloRP and really help speed up the dev process
What will you bring to the development team: Quicker development process that will end with a script well done and created.
Can you show/link us your work(Must):The General Of the Air Force job Sentinel jobs Guardian job. MAJCOM jobs The Valkyrie jobs before the buffs and if it weren't removed the Phoenix Jobs. As well eventually if I could ever get a chance to talk to WIlliam a WAC I have developed is supposed to be added
Are you active on Teamspeak: On almost always
Do you agree to be active on the Development Trello and Kik chat. Yes
Do you have a microphone? Yes


Accepted, Still have your contract. You will start back at the bottom.
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