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Naval CDR Jeff's Announcement


IDK Lmao some old dude people like
Years of Service
Mar 21, 2017
Pennsylvania, United States of America
Naval Announcement
Hello, as you may already know there have been some changes in leadership regarding UNSC Marines and Naval. I hope that this post personally informs you of the changes to come for Naval and the leadership changes.

1. Leadership
Acres has now been named the new commander of the Marines with the rank of CPT, while I, myself, have been transferred to Naval as their CMDR. Along with this comes the new Zulu leader Vee and the new naval recon leader Cortes. All of these people are fine additions to our leadership council here.

2. A new beginning
Yes, I have wiped Naval and Naval Recon. The current roster of players can be found here. With the new addition to the CO Naval, I need a fresh start on the group, as we never had a real active force to begin with. Cortes and I hope to keep the force at their top shape, however, this means we can only keep a select few that we know are worthy of keeping the position. If you were wiped you must go back to marine, plain and simple.

3. Selection

The selection of both Naval Recon and Naval Personnel will be very little, but will have the active force to be reckoned with, as we will be performing hardcore and serious tryouts to find the perfect people for our group. Tryout documents for Naval Personnel have already been built and Naval recon is not far behind.

4. Events
We do hope that for events Naval Personnel will now have a focus upon them in keeping good communication and command structure with the ground forces. Naval recon will be able to perform on the ground but Naval Personnel never have that ability to perform during off-map missions and I hope that will change.

If you have any questions, you may respond to this thread, or voice communicate with me on my TS Channel.

Thank you acknowledging this post~ Naval CMDR Jeff
