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Upper Management

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Years of Service
Jan 17, 2017
Hello Revival,

Recently, Revival has had drastic changes in Upper Management.
A good amount of resignations and removals.

The reason for this is because, Upper Management was not doing their job. Most were slacking in their duties, taking a great amount of LOA's, being rude to those that they are in charge of etc. All of them were great to speak to, people that are great socially but when it came to responsibilities that were tasked to them they slacked. We will miss them if they leave the community, we will hopefully find people that will step up to the task assigned to them.
I will not sugarcoat this, most of the duties assigned to them were handled by me. A lot of the issues was handled by me. Every 20-30 minutes every day, I would get messaged with issues that were left unchecked that were not handled. It was getting too much and I was looking towards upper management. However, nothing was changing no matter how much I spoke to them on Teamspeak, steam or even on Kik.

Do not regard this as a loss, regard this as a change, a step moving forward.
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