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Recent content by Andronov

  1. Andronov

    We Are One!

    The autism is strong with this one (a joke plz no hurt me)
  2. Andronov

    Metro RP

    Welp the commies took over again lol
  3. Andronov

    What’s your favorite sport?

    I enjoy a nice Football match (Soccer)
  4. Andronov

    Buying Something

    Sam is right i suggest spending the 400 on a nice PC part SSD or extra fans for the sped kid PC
  5. Andronov

    Major Updates

    fam lit
  6. Andronov

    A little something I made today.

    good jobert robert
  7. Andronov

    My Artwork

    Shut it liberal
  8. Andronov

    DocZombie Introduction

    hey hey big boi
  9. Andronov

    Favorite Video Game OST

  10. Andronov

    Vietnam (imperium made it worse than you did after ussr got removed trust me)

    Imperium REMOVED VC Ranks and are using unhistorical weapons and the pilots are flying fucking black hawks 23rd are using M14/EBR (the modern m14) VC is a minge fest with no ranks and they almost turned the server into a fucking TDM by accident and they still call it Vietnam rp the damn weapons...