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Vietnam (imperium made it worse than you did after ussr got removed trust me)


Feb 23, 2018
Imperium REMOVED VC Ranks and are using unhistorical weapons and the pilots are flying fucking black hawks 23rd are using M14/EBR (the modern m14) VC is a minge fest with no ranks and they almost turned the server into a fucking TDM by accident and they still call it Vietnam rp the damn weapons we got are just fucking ATOW, CW2.0(m4s and shit they dont use),and fucking BO1 weapons. Plus they are giving just PPSH and AKMs to vc there is fucking variety. U.S forces napalmed themselves several times with no punishments VC spawn is a TKing mess too. I made this just to show how other servers fucked Vietnam up worse than this one im not asking this Vietnam to come back if it wants to or not i dont know all i know is that you guys did Vietnam good for a longer while than the servers that came after you, Nomad networks being the best in my opinion but who cares about that im just stating how fucked this situation is hell i havent played revival since 2017 after Vietnam went to shit but it was less worse than this autism. - KGB SGT Gregori