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Recent content by ArtificialCodex

  1. ArtificialCodex

    So wait... Am I unbanned or is this just a glitch? XD

    So wait... Am I unbanned or is this just a glitch? XD
  2. ArtificialCodex

    Suggestion: Staff Relations

    Staff-only game nights? The server already has to much of a divide between the users and the players in the sense of layered-cake federalism. Establishing that would bore the living shit out of us while the staff has their fun, which will in turn drive away people from the community. -1
  3. ArtificialCodex

    Just Stop The Disrespect

    There is an "I" in "Team" if you are a creationist.
  4. ArtificialCodex

    A wild turian appears!

    Don't ask anyone else but me for help with the MERP, because I am amazing. Add me, fellow turian!
  5. ArtificialCodex


    Feel free to add me on steam. I would be more than happy to help guide you in the MERP!
  6. ArtificialCodex

    Kaestus Varmus Turian Application

    +0.5 Good app, the pink hurts my fucking eyes.
  7. ArtificialCodex

    Game Maker Rules, and Regulations

    You should add to these rules that Senior Game Makers cannot delete threads. Only the HA, SM, or forum staff can do so, according to @Palehorse6 on http://revivalservers.com/index.php?threads/my-two-threads.2277/#post-9296 .
  8. ArtificialCodex

    {medical} Arius S.

    Patient Name: Arius S. Medical Officer: Dr. Neilar Lumin Chief Complaint: Psychological Dillema Clinical Findings: Assessment: Pt. states that he recently endured news of his sister dying, and has had both suicidal and murderous thoughts. Pt specified that he wants to kill members of the...
  9. ArtificialCodex

    Medical Evaluation of Arius Syltius

    <// Responding practitioner: Dr. Neilar Lumin Greetings Mrs. Zaaji, please answer the following inquiries as best as you can. I am not understanding much from this PCR. What questions have you asked specifically of Syltius? Were they open-ended or close-ended questions? What specific details...
  10. ArtificialCodex


    Hello there! My name is Xavier Tillman; I am a german-born alien addict who specializes in writing and medicine. Some of you guys may recall me from Varsity Gaming, back when I identified as "Sail." To those that may remember me; its nice to see you all! Sooo a little bit more detail about me...