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Recent content by HoJ.Zeratul

  1. HoJ.Zeratul

    Bring Back SCP

    -1 some people who make characters on SCP are kinda edgy and cringe (someone made a person who was secretly a fallen angel who became a human of something and someone else made some scientist based off of a anime girl)
  2. HoJ.Zeratul

    Thoughts on the police?

    Police are pretty cool in my state, go Police ;)
  3. HoJ.Zeratul

    Is Water Wet?

    its a liquid it cant be wet, people are brain tards
  4. HoJ.Zeratul

    Freelancer question

    non lore, un-augmented experiments in which they wear regular mijolner armor somehow with out aumentations
  5. HoJ.Zeratul

    SoS Elite models

    +1 my gamer friend Vuth made those lmao
  6. HoJ.Zeratul

    Halo Rep Report for 7/26/2019

    so the best vehicles and coolest prop pack was denied?
  7. HoJ.Zeratul

    SoS Ship

    Owning a ship leads to isolationism -1
  8. HoJ.Zeratul

    nep nep

    nep nep
  9. HoJ.Zeratul

    "A Flower and the Crow" | Hyacinth

    *laughs in glassing beam during a birthday*
  10. HoJ.Zeratul

    Freelancers arent real

    Freelancers arent real
  11. HoJ.Zeratul

    Kig-Yar Medic

    whats the standered kig-yar health for that class?
  12. HoJ.Zeratul

    Humanity Remembers

    Racist space KKK
  13. HoJ.Zeratul

    SCP content pls?

    SCP content pls?