Lunarisᚱift Apr 30, 2018 (Some random meme comment meant to trigger a conversation and or controversy)
HoJ.Zeratul Apr 21, 2018 thinking about making a story about SSO Gyles and Warlord Zeratul communicating through some weird interdimenational portal :/
thinking about making a story about SSO Gyles and Warlord Zeratul communicating through some weird interdimenational portal :/
HoJ.Zeratul Apr 9, 2018 A sad day has befallen upon the HoJ... the grand holy weapon we hold dear, the beam rifle is gone ;-;
A sad day has befallen upon the HoJ... the grand holy weapon we hold dear, the beam rifle is gone ;-;
HoJ.Zeratul Mar 27, 2018 Makes me emotional when i remember the HoJ we lost... Skorch, Gorebash, Lamba,... cant believe we lost many good friends in HoJ
Makes me emotional when i remember the HoJ we lost... Skorch, Gorebash, Lamba,... cant believe we lost many good friends in HoJ
HoJ.Zeratul Mar 22, 2018 just finished watching Star trek first contact, Worf is a beast against the borg